happy new year!
y'all aint never gonna believe what the last few days have been like for me. so i get back into portland on the 29th and ive caught some NEW flu strain from either my nephew or my cousin while i was away and its lodged right in my nasal passages. the last 15 minutes of our descent into the airport i was in excruciating pain because of the pressure change (FYI: for anyone who has never had clogged sinuses and flown, it is a bad idea). then i couldnt hear out of my right ear for the whole rest of the day and into the next day.
when i got home, my phone line was dead, and since i have dial-up that meant no internet until i could get it fixed. well, none of the 3 different dudes who came out to fix it could figure out where the problem was, so after 5 days the guy today just installeda new jack across the room from the old one. that meant i had to move everything around and run an extension cord across my floor and wedge my computer into a corner. but it works now!
and i still feel shitty.
i also got fired while i was on vacation because they did a dmv check and said my driving record was unacceptable, even though i told them about my driving record when they hired me. more on that later. i dont even HAVE to drive for my job. there are enough of us per shift that other staff can drive. whatever.
2004 has nowhere to go but up for me.
y'all aint never gonna believe what the last few days have been like for me. so i get back into portland on the 29th and ive caught some NEW flu strain from either my nephew or my cousin while i was away and its lodged right in my nasal passages. the last 15 minutes of our descent into the airport i was in excruciating pain because of the pressure change (FYI: for anyone who has never had clogged sinuses and flown, it is a bad idea). then i couldnt hear out of my right ear for the whole rest of the day and into the next day.
when i got home, my phone line was dead, and since i have dial-up that meant no internet until i could get it fixed. well, none of the 3 different dudes who came out to fix it could figure out where the problem was, so after 5 days the guy today just installeda new jack across the room from the old one. that meant i had to move everything around and run an extension cord across my floor and wedge my computer into a corner. but it works now!
and i still feel shitty.
i also got fired while i was on vacation because they did a dmv check and said my driving record was unacceptable, even though i told them about my driving record when they hired me. more on that later. i dont even HAVE to drive for my job. there are enough of us per shift that other staff can drive. whatever.
2004 has nowhere to go but up for me.
and of course i was going to leave you messages while you were gone, you were one of my first buddies on here.
since you asked... at work i formulate beauty care products. i think the official title is "researcher".
feel better soon.
if you eat the whole thing is it free?" message...and you know it IS free if you eat it all AND you get a tee shirt!! there is also this bar where you take a shot with a LIVE fish in it, and all you get is a tee shirt and your picture on the wall of fame! GUH!