we'll get together soon you and i
as i sit here i can see it clearly
it will be pure
i'll pull your hair around my neck
we'll bite each other's flesh
we will understand each other
i'll understand that you're beautiful
because you're alive
maybe you'll be able to help me
i'm fucked up in the head
i'm a wounded animal
staggering on the side of the road
waiting for another car to hit me and leave
if you can make me cry
make me feel something
maybe i wouldn't want to tear my skin off
maybe you could reach me
please try to reach me
i think it's too late
i'm already dead pretty much
hell with it
i'll shut up and we'll fuck
i'll leave you and you'll call me weeks later
i'll be busy and have forgotten your name
i will have pulled into myself even further
you'll get a taste of how truly cold and black i am
you'll want to puke
when you think that i was inside you
from now on it's like this
-rollins, from now watch him die
(can he just be a little hotter in his tortured complexity when he gets a sec??)
as i sit here i can see it clearly
it will be pure
i'll pull your hair around my neck
we'll bite each other's flesh
we will understand each other
i'll understand that you're beautiful
because you're alive
maybe you'll be able to help me
i'm fucked up in the head
i'm a wounded animal
staggering on the side of the road
waiting for another car to hit me and leave
if you can make me cry
make me feel something
maybe i wouldn't want to tear my skin off
maybe you could reach me
please try to reach me
i think it's too late
i'm already dead pretty much
hell with it
i'll shut up and we'll fuck
i'll leave you and you'll call me weeks later
i'll be busy and have forgotten your name
i will have pulled into myself even further
you'll get a taste of how truly cold and black i am
you'll want to puke
when you think that i was inside you
from now on it's like this
-rollins, from now watch him die

(can he just be a little hotter in his tortured complexity when he gets a sec??)
.aren't you supposed to still be sleeping?