so it snowed again today. or tried to, after almost convincing me that it was going to be nice here on the icy tundra I call home.. as my luck goes, it was almost blizzarding when I got off work. WHICH I went to on three hours of sleep (woe is me).
watched Man on Fire last night.. quality hollywood production.. I was impressed. and put my buddy dave up on hot or not. go vote for him, k? as if this isn't the hottest pic ever. and I know there's another almost naked dude in the picture, but it was completely hetero, I assure you.
and I have a chest cold.
and Hayden is great.
and I'm moving to Vancouver.
watched Man on Fire last night.. quality hollywood production.. I was impressed. and put my buddy dave up on hot or not. go vote for him, k? as if this isn't the hottest pic ever. and I know there's another almost naked dude in the picture, but it was completely hetero, I assure you.
and I have a chest cold.
and Hayden is great.
and I'm moving to Vancouver.
.that last one is the best news I've heard, well, since last Friday.