ahhh, sweet Valentine's day. not about wine, roses and romance at all... I read a refreshing exploration of the wretched Hallmark holiday...
to the greeks, a celebration of fertility - you're encouraged to fuck all night, 'to ward off the winter chill', sometimes with many partners. It's a fucking festival, of sorts. Only under the guise of cherubs and love could this be deemed acceptable.. the truth, sugar coated.
and from what I gathered, St. Valentine didn't spout sonnets and play the harp. more of a deviant, sexual predator. the irony makes me giggle.
to the greeks, a celebration of fertility - you're encouraged to fuck all night, 'to ward off the winter chill', sometimes with many partners. It's a fucking festival, of sorts. Only under the guise of cherubs and love could this be deemed acceptable.. the truth, sugar coated.
and from what I gathered, St. Valentine didn't spout sonnets and play the harp. more of a deviant, sexual predator. the irony makes me giggle.
how ironic