I have been off caffeine now for about a month and a half.. totally forgot about it this morning when I got to work and made myself a double americano.. it was like the preliminary stages of a mushroom trip.. tummy ache and swimming head, then I was very visibly shaking.. which lasted all day..
which makes me think.. why spend all this money on drugs and alcohol (not that I do...), when coffee and sleeping medication can be just as fun. and not nearly as expensive..
dumb thought for the day. perhaps I should seek some intellectual stimulation..
which makes me think.. why spend all this money on drugs and alcohol (not that I do...), when coffee and sleeping medication can be just as fun. and not nearly as expensive..
dumb thought for the day. perhaps I should seek some intellectual stimulation..

thanks for the nice comment about my troubles... and as for cooking, ja. i'm rather handy in the kitchen. took a sip of the chilli damn good... probably going to have some tonight... that pot made about 4 good bowl's of chilli.
not bad for spending about 14 bucks.

not cool of your boss but maybe he just try to cheer you up. take it with a kind heart and shit in his shoe when he isnt looking