I have to be at work by 615. And i go home tomorrow. In my car this time. Normally I'd be totally happy about chillin with teh Dave and Carly at work, but i NEED to clean my car. If my dad sees it (really his car) like it is, he's gonna have my head. Bah. At least I finally got the cigarette smell out. That's a start right?
Three cheers for cleaning at midnight muthafucka

Three cheers for cleaning at midnight muthafucka

Get to cleanin bro lol but that it is a start my friend, I plan on going back to savannah in at the end of april gotta wait on my bro to build his funds back up if it wasn't such a long boring ride going solo id be the tomorrow bro
Cleaning at midnight is the best.
And how did you get the cigarette smell out?