Spent today in Savannah with my girlfriend and my roommate's girlfriend
The 'twins' wanted to go look at stuff to breed Betta fish. I think this fish breeding thing is really gonna happen *hides in fear* bit iffy on what's gonna happen when the fishy babies get to three-ish months old and the males hafta be separated out. Not looking forward to twenty plus separate fucking fish bowls in the living room
Fishy fears aside, it was a fun day. It was rainy as hell both here in the 'boro and Savannah so after the pet shop we hit up the mall and pretty much chilled there 'til it was time to go home. I gots me a new hurley hat
The doggie is frowning at me for moving so much while he's trying to sleep in mah lap so I think it might be time to kill the typing.

The doggie is frowning at me for moving so much while he's trying to sleep in mah lap so I think it might be time to kill the typing.
love savannah hate that rain was present for your visit i jus went down there two weeks ago and cant wait to go back beautiful city
I want to go back to Savannah. It rained when I went to but we loved it anyway.