It would be one thing to be a douchebag about shit if things in Japan were getting better. But they're not. Not if all this talk of nuclear meltdown is any indicator. The fact that the disaster isn't even really over yet and the death toll is still rising makes being a dick about relief efforts more than a little ridiculous. And yet I had to listen to my redneck pos assistant manager go on and on and on about how all this is gonna cost the U.S. $$. For real? An earthquake, a tsunami, and nuclear meltdown and you're worried about money? How many kinds of fucked in the head do you really have to be for that to be the first thing you start talking about when one of our coworkers brings the disaster up?
There should be a way to report someone for being a useless jackass/ waste of air and assorted other resources and have them promptly shipped off to tolerance reform school. Maybe get the wonderful queens with Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to run it? That would both make me exceedingly happy and creep him straight the fuck out. We'd hafta restrain and gag him before shipping him off though... Can't have the idjit mouthing off to and/or maiming the good nuns after all.

There should be a way to report someone for being a useless jackass/ waste of air and assorted other resources and have them promptly shipped off to tolerance reform school. Maybe get the wonderful queens with Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to run it? That would both make me exceedingly happy and creep him straight the fuck out. We'd hafta restrain and gag him before shipping him off though... Can't have the idjit mouthing off to and/or maiming the good nuns after all.