Got lots of photos to put up in thie entry!

Firstly, a bit of sad news. Another one of my ferret clan passed away earlier this year (January).
In other news...
in short; (and i've put a photo diary up below in the same order to illustrate!)
*we've had thick snow earlier this year
*I had my car snowfoamed & clay barred again
*We were right at the front of a Police rolling road block whilst on the motorway
*I've finally got round to having a cover up on my first tattoo form when I was 18 (purely because it looked terrible, like a black smudge on my back)
*I took part in pub golf and another pub gold lined up! (FUN FUN drinking game)
*Seem to have taken on 3 more ferrets; Mark, Clemmie & Lola; all rescues (Dont have decent photos yet)
Next up, got more promo work with a MiniMoto company; Hugheski Racing
Went to a fancy dress party too, Decided to go as alice in wonderland!
Twas a good night! Next day was pretty horrid though, woke up at 5am to then blackout, luckily not smash my head off anything, and then wake up to vomit...continually...
And, most importantly, here's some of my recent art & photography pieces;
First 3 are obvs of myself. then one of Loretta Jane (see link at bottom of blog to he FB page)
And then some other pieces after.
Loretta Jane:
And some art pieces I produced:
If you want to see more of my art works, photography, etc and or purchase pieces, please visit my Facebook page (as my website is currently under construction)
Tattooed Ferret Illustrations
There's some of my hand-drawn pieces on there as well as my digitally made pieces.
Some other links of interest:
Loretta Jane FB page
Luckie FB page
Hugheski Racing FB page
So until next time, I will leave you with this final picture, just randonly, of one of my kitties...Cleo;
Much love
Luckie xoxox