So since my last update: some good things

Firstly, I just ate my own weight in chocolate....but thats okay, because on my last visit to the doctors, his exact words were "You're very thin" and "You need to eat more chococlate".Cant argue with that!! nom nomn nom

Right, so, the not so good thing;Tillie Ferret is very very ill.
Now for the good things!! I've done another MX event with Zook Clothing
Yay, they used my eyeball haha
Again, i was on the 15 second boards all day for 2 days with another Zook Girl!
PLUS, I've got another photoshoot with them soon, so more pics to come from that.
but first!
....Pics from the MX weekend @ the British Masteres in Hawkstone including being filmed for TV which again, goes out in 52 countires later this year
Zook Girls Out & About @ the Track
Zook Girls On the boards!!
Zook Girls Being filmed for TV with the riders
& Some Pics from other photographers on the day
Muddy Chick Photography
More to come from other photographers too (I'll put it in my next blog)
It was a good weekend!
More things coming up in my calendar:
*Zook MX weekend again.
*Another Zook MX weekend after that.
*Another Zook Girls photoshoot.
And some other bits & bobs & shoots that aren't Zook related too.
ALSO, please feel free to visit my FaceBook SG page. Only just set one up (despite being an SG since 2005!) LOL, so it's still in progress & not a lot is up at the moment, but bear with!
Right, until next time!
Much love,
Luckie xoxox
R xx
Life has been good, but busy. But been making great progress on the project car so I'm happy! Also booked flights to Dublin for Xmas with my sister and family. Then I'm heading to LA for new year with my kreepsville best friends, so really excited! Gonna hire a badass muscle car for a few days there and blast some of the old Route 66. Will take pics
What about you? Winter plans?
R xx