So erm, been a while since i last updated :S But hey ho, i've found some time to do so, so it's alll good
So recently a few things have gone on...some good...some bad.
Firstly for the good news because if i put the bad first, i will feel guilty for the laughing at the good afterwards
Firstly, The brussels calendar shoot trip i mentioned in my last blog......
I am Miss November 2011

Here's the youtube link to the whole Brussels Tattoo Convention Calendar
Super pleased with it. Ace

I spent a long weekend entertaining Umeko
Who had also just had her tongue split, so it was a strict diet of soft cakeyness *ahem* might have joined in on that one too 
she came over mine for a bit, which is a good few hours trip from her house, but she did a UK tour, first stop; Luckie's house
We went shopping in Brimingham, pretty much just bought nommy chocolate
& we made stupid cake! mmmmm. Chocolatey oozey goodness. Om nom nom.

And we had a Wii Mario-Thon throughout the weekend
Mario Kart Wii, Mario Party 8 & New Super Mario Bros Wii.

Also, see UMEKO's BLOG for the rest of her trip
which was epic!!
I've also moved house twice since I last posted. Loooooong story, but all sorted now
Bought myself a nice new Kingsize bed with a TV in the foot of it. Memory foam. Ahhh, so comfy
Like this one but with a 32" TV in mine. Faux leather of course.

And Here's 2 of my ferrets, Ellie & Chillie
Makes me laugh everytime!! haha

And now for the Bad news
The 1st 2 ferrets I ever had were Brothers Bradley & Archie. I had them from a rescue in november 2005 when they were 1-2 years old.
Sadly, on 5th October this year, Archie was passed away whilst at the vets. He had throat complications but ultimately, it was cancer that took him from me.
Bradley misses him a lot and someitmes sits staring into nothingess for a long time, so lots of fuss come hisway. Neither Brad or Arch liked nay other ferret so unfortunately I can't put brad in with my other lot to keep him company.
Archie was the reason I fell in love with ferrets and him and Brad had a bond like no other ferrets i've seen, it's such a shame he's gone. I'm absolutely devastated.
It's sad when I get brad out to play, because i just see Archie in him. It makes me happy when Brads happy & making his dooking noises, but I can't help but feel sorrow at the same time. Archie was always the ringleader and brad would follow him into trouble
Archie was always the hyperactive one, always wanted to play, always made you laugh. I'm going to miss him licking my eyeball in the morning
Heh, bless him.
I took some footprints from him and kept a lock of his hair, and put it all together on a plaque to remember him by.

I had Archie cremated, and sent some of his ashes to a specialist to make it into jewellery, so now I can wear him around my neck and he will be close to my heart always. It also has his name inscribed around it.
I had it done in black because the way the light catches it... it looks polecat colour, like Archies hair

Rest in peace little sausage, I will love you always. You will never be forgotton, but will always be missed xxxxxx
Luckie xoxox

So erm, been a while since i last updated :S But hey ho, i've found some time to do so, so it's alll good

So recently a few things have gone on...some good...some bad.
Firstly for the good news because if i put the bad first, i will feel guilty for the laughing at the good afterwards

Firstly, The brussels calendar shoot trip i mentioned in my last blog......
I am Miss November 2011

Here's the youtube link to the whole Brussels Tattoo Convention Calendar

Super pleased with it. Ace

I spent a long weekend entertaining Umeko

she came over mine for a bit, which is a good few hours trip from her house, but she did a UK tour, first stop; Luckie's house

We went shopping in Brimingham, pretty much just bought nommy chocolate

& we made stupid cake! mmmmm. Chocolatey oozey goodness. Om nom nom.


And we had a Wii Mario-Thon throughout the weekend

Also, see UMEKO's BLOG for the rest of her trip

I've also moved house twice since I last posted. Loooooong story, but all sorted now

Bought myself a nice new Kingsize bed with a TV in the foot of it. Memory foam. Ahhh, so comfy

Like this one but with a 32" TV in mine. Faux leather of course.

And Here's 2 of my ferrets, Ellie & Chillie

And now for the Bad news

The 1st 2 ferrets I ever had were Brothers Bradley & Archie. I had them from a rescue in november 2005 when they were 1-2 years old.
Sadly, on 5th October this year, Archie was passed away whilst at the vets. He had throat complications but ultimately, it was cancer that took him from me.
Bradley misses him a lot and someitmes sits staring into nothingess for a long time, so lots of fuss come hisway. Neither Brad or Arch liked nay other ferret so unfortunately I can't put brad in with my other lot to keep him company.
Archie was the reason I fell in love with ferrets and him and Brad had a bond like no other ferrets i've seen, it's such a shame he's gone. I'm absolutely devastated.
It's sad when I get brad out to play, because i just see Archie in him. It makes me happy when Brads happy & making his dooking noises, but I can't help but feel sorrow at the same time. Archie was always the ringleader and brad would follow him into trouble

I took some footprints from him and kept a lock of his hair, and put it all together on a plaque to remember him by.

I had Archie cremated, and sent some of his ashes to a specialist to make it into jewellery, so now I can wear him around my neck and he will be close to my heart always. It also has his name inscribed around it.
I had it done in black because the way the light catches it... it looks polecat colour, like Archies hair

Rest in peace little sausage, I will love you always. You will never be forgotton, but will always be missed xxxxxx
Luckie xoxox
One last piece of advice would be great, we've seen a lot of ferrets advertised on random websites like gumtree, are there any recognised breeders out there?