(Yet again its a photo bonanza....I hate too much writing, love more pics

Thank you to everyone wishing my a happy birthday the other week!

I got some reeeeally cool stuff from one very sexy person in particular

LOOOVE my sims games!
& I also got a load of chocolate! And other cool bit n bobs, oh and I had some t-shirts & hoodies bought from ZOOK CLOTHING which are AMAZING!! Their girls range is coming out soon, but the hoodies are unisex & i like to potter about the house in mens t-shirts, so it's allll good. So yeah, if anyones into extreme sport, head on over to ZOOK CLOTHING SUUUCH a good site.
Heres one of the Zook Tee's I got

We also went out for a meal and because of the silly amount of things I'm allergic to, I just asked for fruit for my starter, expecting it to be just boring, then this was bought out
Oo0o so pretty & yummy.
& the other week Casca drew me this from my Chillax set
Thank you Casca! She's also done drawings of other SG's too, she's brill!
Also, the other weekend, kinda random but hey!...was nice & sunny outside, really hot, so I decided to do tan tattoos. I'd only been outside for half an hour so they didn't got quite a distinctive, but still, pretty good for only half an hour out...
I normally try and get enough of them done to do a sleeve or a bigger piece, but did it spontaneously so didn't have much time. (picture quality is a bit crap, they're off a phone).
& for an update on the Pregnant Rescue ferret & her newborn kits...
She's okay now! Here's her Kit's the day they were Born
& them at 6 days old: (In mummys mouth!)
& then at 3 weeks old:
Aww, they're so cute!
Anyone else got the 'everybody votes' channel on their Wii?? This answer surprised me! Was Not expecting that.
And despite my Wii Fit age being 4 years younger than I am, my Wii told me that I was in 'relatively good conditon' WTF?! Relatively?
And got some exciting news coming up but will go into that in a later blog
Randomly, here's some random pictures of flowers I took with my new camera whilst trying to familiarise myself with it.
And finally, I'm also thinking of selling some of my artwork online & some of my prints. Mmm, maybe.
& Thanks for the continuing comments on my MR Set Chillax!
Shameless promotion of my SG group:
I HAVE NOT GOT PROFILES ON MYSPACE, BEBO, FACEBOOK, TWITTER OR ANY OTHER SITES. So if you see any, let me know so I can have them deleted again! Cheers!!
I agree that fruit looks rather impressive I must say.