Hello SG-Land,
this will possibly be the last blog post I ever make depending on how things go.
All that has happened with SG over the past week has really just confirmed what I had already been feeling for the past year. I joined SuicideGirls after hearing about it from my (then fiance) now husband, because his cousin is an official SG on here( I won't tag her to respect her anonymity).
Upon joining and submitting my first set I had access to the full site, all the wonderful and quirky blogs, and the beautiful and inspiring ladies on here, and all the incredibly sweet and supportive members and staff! But after a year of being on this site I noticed that things didn't seem to be very fair. I submitted my first set not knowing exactly what SG was looking for, but by my second set (Late for School- pictures will be posted below) I knew some of the angles they wanted and did much better! That set got over 2K likes and I still don't understand why it had never been chosen(I removed it after a little over a year of being up in MR). I started noticing that girls who were inactive on their page and on the site in general were getting chosen SOTD after one set (and being brand new girls too), and I also noticed that some of my sets with well over 2K likes and hundreds of amazing comments were getting overlooked by girls sets that didn't have nearly as many likes... I was often left with a feeling of defeat-- I understand that SG is competitive, but the point of a competition is to win fairly, it's not actually a competition if you're pushing your own agenda and overlooking girls that are actually winning in MR and with SG's audience.
This site was founded on unique beauty that redefined the "norm", where EVERYONE could feel safe with all of the other social outcasts. It's called SuicideGirls because we are comitting "social suicide" . All the girls that were silenced @reznoritis @hartt @leemalee @tigerlilly @eydis @teeth and others actually upheld the companies founding thought better than the actual founder @missy . They commited social suicide by speaking their truth on this site and were outcasted by the "outcasts".
I would like to see these girls unarchived and redeemed on this site, how they were treated was WRONG, personally I believe they deserve an apology for being banned for speaking out against unfair treatment among other things that are seriously concerning on this site.
Here are some links to some key information to shed some light on this blog post today :
Hartt's Blog: Diary of a Hopeful
SG Might Not Be The Right Outlet For You
20 Years of SOTD (Spoiler:Doesn't actually explain anything)
Missy's Blog: Serious Allegation
another blog that I think you should check out because it's really good! : Nayru's Blog: Let's Talk
So from the top- Hartt posted a blog with some very good thoughts/concerns with the site that I think most of us can agree with(really I think EVERYONE should agree with this.)- I really feel as though she was speaking what all of us were thinking but too afraid to actually say. Missy then opened a suggestion box thread and obviously this immediately created an influx of comments- things went south pretty fast as people started calling out @penny . now personally I don't have a negative experience with Penny- the only thing I could say that is even slightly negative is I asked her for the screenshot of the 80's themed zoom meeting back in March 2021 and she never responded( I sent this message on SG so I'm sure she just didn't see it as she probably get's lots of messages from fans and other girls on here) - but with all the people having negative things to say about here really does make people start wondering, and the fact that seemingly nothing was done about this has got to be pretty upsetting and frustrating to those who have personally experienced negative behavior from their boss. SG seems more like a "mean girl" clique nowadays, a clique that picks and chooses who is good enough to be part of it, and the rest of us are swept under the rug.
The thread was then locked due to some models speaking out and then Penny posting private screenshots of a convo between her and another model-- which in my opinion is super unprofessional and that itself should have had repercussions of some sort. Although later I think we get an inside glance as to why this was accepted behavior as Missy posted a blog that included private documents between her and her models/photographers (again this is really unprofessional for a CEO of a company). In her blog she stated that SG investigated itself about a certain situation. I don't know enough to comment on that certain situation at hand, I am only commenting on how things were handled, I just want that to be clear. But a company should NEVER investigate itself as that is a conflict of interest, a third party should have been brought in to thoroughly see what was going on and see if any evidence had been tampered with.
Now I would like to touch on her thread "SG might not be the right outlet for you" -- this company was founded on being inclusive to those who felt like they weren't the "norm" and are social outcasts. I have read through many of Missy's interviews early on in her founding of the company. Things were definitely different with the old SG! Now it feels very clique-y, and often lonely... I have met two amazing people on this site that I will call life-long friends, they are best friends of mine and I will continue speaking to them even if this post gets me archived- they are @drd2166 and @dollypanda - I speak to them almost everyday, but I almost never go a month without speaking to them. I'm just upset that a company that is supposed to be all inclusive is basically telling us that we probably shouldn't be here if we don't feel like it's fair, which honestly is a slap in the face. It's so obviously an unfair system, members can see it, models can see(officials and hopefuls alike)- that's what is getting all these lovely and unique ladies archived, they are speaking on it and the CEO's & higher-ups disagree with them(somehow?!) .
Alot of concerns were raised about how SG ACTUALLY decides on SOTD, and in fact it's all up to staff and members votes don't count. This hasn't been explicitly said by Missy or any of the staff, but their lack of transparency on the matter forces me to believe that is the case. She posted a thread on "how it works"- but really all she said is stuff we know- she said things like "it used to be one set a day but as traffic on the site grew she upped it to TWO sets of the day, giving models even more opportunity to excel on the site--- but all of that really is negated when they are picking sets that they like rather than what the members like- if members votes counted then there would be tons of hopefuls already turned pink (like @mikan , @xlox , @arsenicstar , @starphire , @zen @skittlepop and many more) , but instead they are choosing inactive models that are brand new on their very first set. of course you will have models upset and struggling with mental health! they put so much work and effort into their sets and in the community only to be rejected time after time... Many of them aren't speaking out because they fear being banned/archived from the site... They feel like they need to stay here because if they don't then all this was a huge waste of time, for some they want to stay because they cling to the hope that one day they will become official, when in reality it feels like we will forever be overlooked by staff on the site.... member review needs to be changed to "staff review" because that's really what it is.
SG accepts anyone who applies and I feel like this should be changed too... I'd rather the one hit of rejection with being told I'm not what your brand is looking for anymore, instead of uploading sets that are continually overshadowed by the fast-tracked girls.
Now don't get me wrong, I think all of us deserve to be pink, even the new girls, HOWEVER I feel like those that have been here longer should be pinked before the new girls are considered... it should be based on seniority and what you bring to the site in your uniqueness. Are you posting blogs? Are you regularly submitting sets? Are you active in groups and with members on the site? Have you made atleast one friend in this community(whether thats another model or a member)?
It's not fair that girls who've been trying for years are reaping no reward for their dedication. Some girls have been trying since 2004..... YEAH. 2004 and still aren't official??? What is up with that? And what does that mean for me and other girls like me that put in effort but don't get recognition?
None of us are "being negative" - we are saying how we feel and what things look like and we are getting no real clarification from staff, and the girls that were archived received no compassion or closure from anybody at SGHQ.
I stand with @leemalee @reznoritis @tigerlilly @hartt @eydis @teeth @symphony @jcrossuns and all the other wonderful people that spoke their mind on the issues with SG currently and got banned.
I don't want to get archived, I want SG to go back to how it used to be, and I would like for them to be fair about how sets are chosen--- that's what I would like to see... I guess if I get archived for this, it was nice being a part of this community even if it was only for a few years, I appreciate each and every one of you lovely people that I have had the pleasure of getting to know and growing to care about. If you want to keep up with me then follow my IG, I will also link my OnlyFans, I will be posting more regularly on there as SG will more than likely no longer be an outlet or safe space for me to speak my mind and be uniquely me. My OnlyFans <3
Here are some clips of some interviews of Missy 14 years after the site was founded--- what happened to this @missy ? What happened...... We went from this ^ to now being silenced for speaking out on how we want to be represented ...?
If you decide to archive me for this-- please atleast e-mail me and explain to me why... why things are the way they are... how you changed so much over the years... being someone who cared about her models and friends, loving every girl on this site and being there for them, to now posting and forwarding private conversations and allowing your model coordinator to do the same....
I'm not being negative, I'm being realistic and standing up for what I believe is right... Cause at the end of the day, as much as I love the community of SG- I can't sit idle and watch some of your best models be silenced and tossed away for expressing themselves.... Members defending them are being banned as well and I can't express how upsetting that is to watch...
Will the caring ever come back? &will I see some of your biggest models speak their thoughts on this?
I'm just a small model, I don't have very much pull in this space as I only have 5.7K followers, but maybe this blog will make a difference.... maybe... hopefully...
I'm sorry if this is upsetting for anyone to read, but I really just HAVE to do what's right.. I can't defend or be a part of a company that will treat their models/photographers/members this way..
If I dont get archived/banned then great, I might be back if the models/members that were silenced are redeemed on the site and if SG makes big changes on being fair and listening to their community.. If not then I will continue pursuing other opportunities where I can thrive and find happiness.
Thank you to everyone who made it through this blog, I hope 2022 is a time for renewal and growth for all of us.
@mimo @gloom @olgakulaga @dollypanda @shameless @nayru @empathy @flareon @katablue @kittenblue @zen @nayru @eirenne @blink @lilyt @booba @mercury @eminence @milenci @zen @bae @brujaja @reggielove @zeira @gaiah @lemon @peachynorth @lady @korben @birdi @paigerose @daydream @scvmmy @thumper @drd2166 @kungfury @geekly @jcrossuns @weedfarmer @karmassacre @crawdaddy6969 @flo111 @martinmchugh73 @dennovondiesel @valiantloki @jj221016 @emanuel @hybridsongwriter @notsocivil @cpmower831 @deesilvs @gregorhidalgo @sunshine @minuminula @acsebo @evotra89
I tagged some models, members, and photographers. I would like to SG be different , my voice is just a small one compared to many, but like I've said many times in this blog- I have to stand for what I believe is right, and this company has started suppressing models/members... How can any of us say that that is a step in the right direction... how can so many of us sit by without speaking up on it..... how can y'all continue to say this system isn't a broken one that is failing their models right now....
I hope we can having a better 2022 than this.... Because let me just say... this was not a good start...
@missy @penny @sean @lemon @eirenne @yessybear @mickey @any of the other people that are staff or up at SGHQ.
I hope this falls on understanding/compassionate ears.
I've been sitting here for 5 minutes trying to gather courage to hit the post button-- While I'm working on that I would like to add-- since I've joined this site I've wanted to become official, I've imagined the moment of getting that e-mail and the feeling of happiness and accomplishment I would have from finally making it... All that might be down the drain after this..... But how can I not post this...
Please everyone, I want to keep in touch with all of you lovely people that interact with me daily, please follow my instagram, and even my Ofans(I'll be running a sale after this for sure!) to keep in touch with me and interact with my photos/posts on there!
I'm so sad about this.... But I guess here goes nothin.....