Hey SG Land!! So this week's blog homework is -- what is your wildest piercing story?
So my story isn't really... wild ... but when I was 17 I got my nose pierced -- and did you know you can't hold someone's hand while you get it pierced?!- anyways, so he pushed the needle through and I thought he was done and I opened my eyes only to see this LONG ASS needle sticking out of my nose obscuring my vision... I almost fell out of the chair when I jumped-- seeing the needle startled me i guess 😅😂 I did bump the little piercing table thing (with their equipment) with my knee accidentally 😳 😅
I had to close my eyes right back lol
It wasn't painful, but seeing a needle that big through my own nose... eek haha 😆
Soooo that was my story 😊 wasn't really wild , but its kind of funny.😊
Do yall have a wild piercing story?? Let me know with your comments!
@missy @penny @lemon