I'm a few days late on this BH, but for this week it is : What videogame are you obsessed with?
So lately I've been obsessed with League of Legends-- mainly because URF is out!! For anyone who doesn't know : URF stands for Ultra-Rapid Fire, most champs take mana or some form (like energy or rage) to cast abilties and usually abilities are on anywhere from a 8-15 second cooldown and your ULT (ultimate ability -strongest) is on around a 2 minute cooldown! So in URF all cooldowns are reduced by like 98% and abilities don't cost mana/rage/etc. !! So this means you can practically spam your abilities and it's so much fun!!!
I really have a blast playing! If you wanna play League with me, add me: summoner name is Lucki Charmed .
Here are some League of Legends memes for the blog <3 Enjoy!
@missy @penny @lemon