Apparently my cat SPECTRE is a little spoiled, I realized tonight that he is a baby. So I was putting the dogs up for the night and that is when I feed them, and the cats usually run down to see if that is what I am doing because it means that they are getting fed next. So then we all run upstairs to feed the cats, and for the past few days SPECTRE has slowed down and I have carried him upstairs. Now this is the cat that hates us, he is not cuddly or wants to be around you we are basically there to put food in his dish (and to sit in my computer chair as soon as I get up) and now all of the sudden I have to carry him to his food dish, and the sad thing is I do it every night.
This is SPECTRE, you would think he would like me, I am a pretty good pet owner
This is SPECTRE, you would think he would like me, I am a pretty good pet owner
and I guess cats can change...our cat Tabby who was the most nasty priggish little git now purrss, rubs on us, and sleeps on Regan.
Go figure.