First,s thank you to Sneakstress for inspiring me to write this. A few weeks ago my wife and I took our daughter to the Smithsonian. She is 18 months and really enjoys the dinosaurs and the ancient sea life. On our way back to the parking garage we discovered we had parked under the spy museum. Since I had no souvenir we decided to go to the gift shop there. And that's where I found it. The greatest shirt I ever seen. I had to have it.
Some might remember this. When I was a child the Russians where the ultimate in villains. And for some reason I've always routed for the villain. Probably some jealousy of my older brother who always seemed to be the hero. But I've always wanted a cccp shirt. It is now mine and tied for my favorite with a CBLDF shirt I got a few years back of an American flag that is also the first amendment. I'm a firm believer that the first amendment and its protections are truly what make this country great. And the fact that this site and community are what they are it's proof of that. Anyway that's enough for now. But stay tuned for more

No, really thank you 

Thank you for the comment about my pictures.
I'm quite fond of that side of myself also.