Perhaps I do resemble a drunken Japanese Karaoke singer stumbling through the translation of "Hotel California" with his fly open. I suggest that this is not my instictual tendancy to make a fool out of myself in public, But a wicked fun time that will make me laugh for days. I'm here for your entertainment so enjoy it while it lasts. Once I sober up I might not be as plesant. Those that I refed to as lover or darling turn in to fuckbag cunt face. Sorry if I told you I wanted your head on a stick in my front lawn but at the time I did. Don't worry I'll stick with flamingos for now. Just don't piss of a sober groggy Lucinda. Thanks! I don't know if there is any point I'm trying to make here. probobly not. Fuck it! So I ramble! So fucking what! It's my thought for the day.
Toodles lovers!
Toodles lovers!
I don't understand your post... but i like it anyways. high five.