Today was just another day of daily consumerism. Ever since I moved into my new place, I find myself on a neverending quest for new furniture and pulp posters. I need to find a good place to get decent poster frames for a girl on a budget. I just got a new futon, a nightstand, and a handy little TV stand. At least no more air matress. I got tired of sleeping with the weird chicken sculpture on one half cause the air was leaking. That shit was giving me bad dreams, ya dig? So I went and saw "Dreamcatcher", bought a "Punk'o'rama" cd, and an "Evil Dead" poster. Mmmm, Bruce Cambell Had some steamed veggies for dinner and shrimp, now I watch Natural born killers and go to bed. Blah, blah, blah. Thank you and Gut` nacht!