The last two weeks have been a slight case of temporary insanity! My dear old Opa passed away a few days before winter term started. I had too flee rainy town on my second day of scholastics and board a trainy poo down to California. Although the weather was warm and the air was sweet (except for the wharf, which always smells of rotting fish carcass,) the occasion was all but happy. It was nice to see my family, which I haven't seen for over ten years. They are so fancy! Big whigs always humble little ol me, even though I am cut from a fancy cloth myself. My birthday was awesome. School is going well except for math. Nihongo no kurasu is awesome as always. Life is good. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this point in my life. But then again, that is life.
Lots of hugs...
laugh and cry..sometimes you need to find a nice balance of both