If I write this and no body reads it, did it really happen, or is it just a figment of my imagination? I suppose it's of little concequence either way. As long as the bitter taste of reality crosses my lips at least once a day, utter insanity remains on the other side of the razor blade I stay ever so delicately ballanced upon. Yet riddle me this, kiddies. Is it so important to stay balanced? Would'nt it be cool to just once let yourself go over to blind insanity just to see if you could make it back? Or are we all to afraid that going over might be the sanest thing we could ever really do and we may not want to come back? Of course, insanity, like Hell, has different levels. So then the question becomes how far are we really willing to go to see what's really on the other side?
And what, if anything, is really stopping us from crossing that line? Is it just a matter of perception? Like this is my reality and over there is my insanity? Or is it truly the only true way to frredom from everything we, as a society, hold so dear? Like bullshit jobs, over priced merchandise that others will drool over, huge fuel guzzling cars that are more than we really need. I mean, if losing our minds means losing all the inhibitions that keep us bound to this ever worsening existance, than, truly, what do we have to lose? And why are we so afraid to lose it?
Questions, questions, always more questions!!!!! The lemmings are running twords the cliff. Shall we step out of the way or join them????
Questions, questions, always more questions!!!!! The lemmings are running twords the cliff. Shall we step out of the way or join them????
woah, philosophy-boy of the day!!
i am utterly insane i think, and i sometimes let it all go. i think little lights on a christmas tree smother and fuel insanity, and this my friend, is why you should go and get one! for yourself, and to smell the pine sap goodness.