Visha's Beautify is gone forever frown This makes me so sad. That was my favorite set...and her pin prick one...but that one is still in tact.

I'm sad.

Fuck censorship.

As am I. I love Visha and all of her sets. This is bullshite.


by the way..all of this hurricane bullshit really sucks...
by the way..I really hate rude people...
by the way..I started thinking about my wedding dress..
It does doesn't it?

I spit at the rude ones just to pick a fight.

What color? Purple?
Well, today is my day off. I've just been doing shit around the house. I still need to put up my laundry..and do dishes. I'd like to go somewhere...but gas is too expensive and hard to come by just to waste. It sucks having to wait in long ass lines just to get gas. Most of the gas stations are still out of gas. So...there's...
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Gee Ms. Domestic, can you be any more productive. I think not. You deserve some ice cream. I am very proud.
that's a snazzy profile pic you've got there. love and i know what you mean about the pic. i thought the same thing, lol.
Alrighty...the power finally came back on wednesday evening. We stayed across the street for a few days. We had no power...but they did. Go figure.

So...things have been pretty fucking insane. I've been hearing so many heart breaking stories. I've been in close contact with so many people who have lost everything. I've been trying to direct so many lost people to shelters where they...
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I didn't know you're a pharmacist I feel for the pharmacy at our CVS. They've been so ridiculously busy. Good luck with all those customers.
We have very similar jobs then. smile
So...the power has been out at my apartment since monday morning. I hope it will be back on tomorrow. Apparently a large tree fell on the lines near my apt. Bleh. Yeah..so this sucks. Though it doesn't suck nearly as bad as it could have. New Orleans is under water. The surrounding cities and towns are fucked as well. Baton Rouge didn't get it that...
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Good to know that your alright. I was worried. Soooo terrible. Power will be back tomorrow. I will make it happen.
Glad you and your boy are ok.
So...there's a hurricane approaching. "Hurricuns acummin!!!" Mm hmm. So...the almighty 24hr walmart is actually closing. They will be closed from 8pm tonight until 6am tuesday morning. Walmart closed?? All hell IS breaking loose after all. *shrug* Hey..I don't have to work tomorrow. That's nice. Ack! It was so fucking mad crazy in the pharmacy today. Everyone was all frantic and getting all bitchy. I hate...
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I hope your house stays in place. You too.

Bitchy consumers/customers need a lesson on how much a gun can hurt. I seriously doubt they realize.

Stay dry and well filled on peanutbutter and jelly.
Today was pay day. I spent lotsa freaking dollars today. I went ahead and payed my rent and other bills. Rent takes out a fucking chunk..bleh. Yeah..so..another pay day has come and gone. I need to go get a few groceries and such. I need to make the rest of my money stretch the next 13 days. I gave myself and Danyul a bullshit allowance...
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Hey, I was thinking about it, I have a friend who wants to do a set of me at the pool, but I want to do two sets there with different themes, it would be great for you to shoot one. I'm going to get back to you tommorow.
Duude, I was thinking..would you consider doing a two girl set with me? I think it would be really awesome to do a fight club set (even though it's probably been done here before, that doesn't matter) . That locker room would be sooo perfect .

If we need another photographer, I've got one.

[Edited on Aug 26, 2005 10:24PM]
I went thrift shopping today with my almost sister in law. I found a couple of shirts and a sewing pattern. I wish I had more money. I would have gotten a couple of other things. Oh well. I have really big hair today. I woke up with amazing cowlicks...so I just worked with them. I stopped by my work earlier...they deemed this my "off...
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So..I just finished reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I just started reading the series about 2 weeks ago. I got the 4th book for my birthday on the 29th. I hadn't even started the 3rd one then..but I've flown through them. So..I started reading the 5th one today. I seem to read alot more when I bring my book with me to...
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I sometimes find myself wanting to apply to Hogwarts as well. Magic makes me excited.