So..I just finished reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I just started reading the series about 2 weeks ago. I got the 4th book for my birthday on the 29th. I hadn't even started the 3rd one then..but I've flown through them. So..I started reading the 5th one today. I seem to read alot more when I bring my book with me to work and read on my lunch break. I'm currently taking a break from the Dark Tower series. I still have 2 books left in it. The 5th one took me so long to finish...that I just couldn't start the 6th one. I needed to go to a new place. I wish I had a wand. I wanna go to Hogwarts.
At least I can go there in my head. I've been having dreams about Hogwarts too. Maybe I've been reading a little too much before bed....nah
It gives me good dreams.
Perhaps I'll continue reading my book now.

Perhaps I'll continue reading my book now.

I sometimes find myself wanting to apply to Hogwarts as well. Magic makes me excited.