So..I went to see that Robots movie the other night. It was pretty neat. The metal looked so real in almost seemed like a good stop motion film. Computers are good for some things.
Ah..the preview to the new Star Wars movie was right before Robots. Oh looked so awesome. I'm all excited. I don't think I've ever been made so anxious by a preview. Seeing the trailer on the big screen just made it all the more intense and emotional. This is the movie where it all goes down. It looks so evil. Supposedly this one might have a PG13 rating due to the violence and such. After this one comes out on DVD...Danyul says we're going to have the ultimate Star Wars marathon. 1, 2, Clone Wars cartoon 3 seasons, 3, 4, 5, 6. Good Stuff. I'm not sure if they've completed the 3rd season of the Clone Wars on Cartoon Network. *shrug*
So..for this movie..m'love is going to get 2 tickets to the 1st showing on the 19th...and also tickets to a later showing...maybe skip the next showing to go get lunch and such...then come back and watch it again.
I'm all excited..but I still have like 2 months to go. Jeez. M'love graduates on the 20th of May. BFA in ceramics. His final piece is this awesome zombie scene. He's scupting zombie figures out of sculpey and making rubber molds and plastic casts of them...and a whole buncha other stuff to perfect the scene. The process is alot more detailed and time consuming than I feel like explaining. It's just awesome though.
So...I can submit another set next month. Actually it's probably right at a month from today. Maybe this one won't get rejected. That would suck so much ass...bleh. So...I need to take the pics. I have ideas. I have lotsa ideas for future sets..but the first one kinda has to be in some ways...standard. Follow the formula eh? Mm.

Ah..the preview to the new Star Wars movie was right before Robots. Oh looked so awesome. I'm all excited. I don't think I've ever been made so anxious by a preview. Seeing the trailer on the big screen just made it all the more intense and emotional. This is the movie where it all goes down. It looks so evil. Supposedly this one might have a PG13 rating due to the violence and such. After this one comes out on DVD...Danyul says we're going to have the ultimate Star Wars marathon. 1, 2, Clone Wars cartoon 3 seasons, 3, 4, 5, 6. Good Stuff. I'm not sure if they've completed the 3rd season of the Clone Wars on Cartoon Network. *shrug*
So..for this movie..m'love is going to get 2 tickets to the 1st showing on the 19th...and also tickets to a later showing...maybe skip the next showing to go get lunch and such...then come back and watch it again.

I'm all excited..but I still have like 2 months to go. Jeez. M'love graduates on the 20th of May. BFA in ceramics. His final piece is this awesome zombie scene. He's scupting zombie figures out of sculpey and making rubber molds and plastic casts of them...and a whole buncha other stuff to perfect the scene. The process is alot more detailed and time consuming than I feel like explaining. It's just awesome though.
So...I can submit another set next month. Actually it's probably right at a month from today. Maybe this one won't get rejected. That would suck so much ass...bleh. So...I need to take the pics. I have ideas. I have lotsa ideas for future sets..but the first one kinda has to be in some ways...standard. Follow the formula eh? Mm.
[Edited on Mar 22, 2005 2:43PM]