Yesterday m'love and I got a shit load of clothes...about 5 plastic bags....for $40. It would've been $80ish had it been not student discount day. But still...I got about 5 or 6 shirts and a pair of pants and he got like 4 pairs of pants and 5 shirts and a jacket. Mostly stuff to wear to work. We got new jobs (I haven't started...
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glad you both had an awesome time shopping, thift stores rock. sg turned you down eh? thats too bad, I hope you have better luck in the future, im not saying that I wanna see you naked but I hope you get what ya wish for smile
I shaved last night! I forgot how wonderful it feels to be all smooth and shaven. Mmm. It'd be about a month since I'd shaved my legs. I'm sure some would be appalled at that. *shrug* Danyul doesn't mind...and I don't really care. There was once a time when I couldn't stand to go a few days without shaving. Then it was a week...then 2...now...
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I love thrift stores too old people throw away/donate the best stuff. biggrin

I never have shaved my "pit hair" but I trim and shave my own personal area's theres nothing to be ashamed of.

Slow crocodile roll I like that, I turn all night too, but I also snore. frown

bye for now smile
I've been told that I snore too. But of course Danyul says "..but it's a cute snore". Ah..I don't believe that. Snoring is snoring. He snores more than I do...but then again he falls asleep first. Within a minute of him lying down...he's asleep. If I'm dead tired I can go to sleep that fast...but usually it takes me a little longer..maybe 20-30 minutes or so.

Ok..enough of this. Thanks for commenting on my journal. I feel special that someone is actually reading my stuff. smile
I didn't realize that the pics I sent from my phone were so large. I'm accustomed to seeing them on my phone screen....not on my computer. Well, when I've sent them as emails...but they still aren't that large. It's kinda strange. Some look awfully shitty blown up. I prefer the small compressed look. *shrug*. Actually...my phone screen is about the size of the thumbnail previews....
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So..hmm...well I didn't get that job I was applying for. They had to cut back finances and things such as that. So..no job. But I did get an offer for another job. I went in and spoke to the manager and such today. Gotta go back monday for a formal 1st interview. Not too formal. Just more extensive than today's meeting. Yeah..so hopefully that will...
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aahhh scary clown

thanks for checkin out my scary set!!!
blush an awesome SG commented on my journal. smile my very first comment from a SG. *inches closer into SG world* blush
So..I'm at my parents' house for the weekend. Came in for a nice visit. Maybe to steer clear of all that is Mardi Gras. They have a couple of parades here. *chuckles* Tiny. Far less than Baton Rouge....and is nothing compared to New Orleans. I hate New Orleans. Especially during Mardi Gras. So fucking dirty. The only good thing about Mardi Gras has always been...
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I like adult swin too, for some reason I prefer the cartoons to all this real life shite. biggrin
Hmm...haven't started the new job yet. Tomorrow is my last day at my old job. Blah blah blah..bullshit bullshit bullshit. So I guess I'll start the new job someday next week. Mm hmm.

Didn't finish painting my helmet. The clear coat got all fucked up because it was too cold. Damnit. So...instead of repainting it and all that jazz....I sanded the fucked up clear coat...
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I hate clear coat, it never goes on evenly enough for me, I spend a couple of ours wet sanding and nothing I tell ya.

Sorry for just barging into your journal but your pic just showed up on the random thingy, and I took a look.

Bills suck ass, and the money never comes to me as quick as it leaves funny thing that money.

Good luck with your new job, and If you figure out the whole clear coat method let me know, I got a helmut that needs a new touch paint as well.

cya smile
Hey! someone actually commented on (or took the time to read) my journal! smile Just know that you are my very first comment.

Yeah...clear coat does suck. My boyfriend's turned out pretty well. Nice and smooth. He has this little attachment for spray paint cans that makes it spray wider..or mistier..or something. I dunno. He used rustoleum clear coat on his and it looks good...tried the same on mine..but I think the paint was too cold and it came out all fucked up and bubbly and nasty. So..we're going to try it again. He has better luck at spraying than I do. We're gonna wait for it to warm up a little and try that. I hope it works out well...because I'd hate to destroy those GPK stickers. It'd be a bitch to take them off...sand...etc etc etc...and then do the helmet again.

Thanks for checking my page out and commenting on my journal. smile
So...I got a new job. Gotta go pee in a cup tomorrow morning. Then I'll be a happy little donut maker. Gotta watch out to make sure I don't get fat. smile Damn my sweet tooth.

Maybe I'll post some pics soon...not of me and my job... but just of me...maybe I'll go comment on people's stuff...maybe people will come see my page...maybe when I finally...
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Hm...let's see...what's new? Well...I got some new goggles for happy motorcycle riding. I'm also in the process of painting my helmet...I accidentally dropped it from knee high...and it chipped the paint. So, it was a good excuse to paint it...with Danyul's happy new airbrush kit..set...same thing. So..I just painted it black...and am in the process of taping out my zodiac symbol. We haven't been able...
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So...I'm not a SG yet. If I wouldn't have procrastinated..and waited til Dec to take pics...well, then I could have already sumbitted another set. I guess I should've taken the first ones in October...but I didn't. Oh well. I have alot of great ideas for sets though....I just have to do them now. *slaps wrist* "Stop being lazy!" Mm..mm hmm.

..so my profile pic (for...
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