My sweet kitty Myla died the other day. She was missing since Saturday. I found her last night...dead and bloated..with a pool of blood seeping from her little kitty mouth.. It made me so sad. We drove ~2 hrs to my parents' house so I could bury her there. I didn't want to bury her in BR...or anywhere other than my parents' house. It is...
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will do
So, my boyfriend says his parents are going to be out of town for a crazy people convention, so we can shoot in their backyard. I'm not sure when it is though, I'll keep you updated on here.
la de da

Yesterday was pay day. That made me happy....
I had lots of bills to pay. That made me sad...

I went to America's Thrift yesterday. That is the most organized thrift store I've ever been into. It's huge. I bought 2 pairs of pants and 4 shirts for $9.30. That made me happy. I put back a pair of pants I really...
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Robot chicken kicks ass! That's the place by Cortana right? I hear it's huge, I was even thinking of applying there. I gots to check it out.
So...this is the first time i have updated using my phone. I usually just send pics. So..yeah. Matilda has a boyfriend. His name is Beau. He likes to hump...but he has no nuts.

Ok..i took another set the other night. It is the best one so far. I am going to take another set tomorrow night maybe. I think I will send in 2 sets..so...
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HAHA thats a funny picture. Good luck with your new sets. Can you send in more than one at a time?
I'm not sure...but I'm gonna do it. smile I'll just send 2 .zip files...and that'll be that. Hopefully I won't get scolded for it. Oh well.

It's so strange seeing the pics from my phone all blown up large. They're so crisp and tiny on my phone...and then BAM...they blow up and get all weird and blue fuzzy. *shrug*

If you look in my pics folder..you can see Beau's ass..and his straining leg muscles...and his blurry wagging tail. Hump it. smile

[Edited on Jun 13, 2005 10:22PM]
Let's see...

I'm in the process of dying my hair right now. It always makes me feel better. I've been sick lately. Luckily, the last 2 days have been my days off from work. So..I didn't have to miss work (money). Danyul was a bit sick the week of graduation...and then he passed it to me. I got very sick. Sinus infection and all kindsa...
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yeah hair is always hard at work I get chewed on often for my choices
I used to have purnurple hair, I feel your pain with the job restrictions. It's good to have a boy that takes care of you smile. Hope you're feeling better. Lata
I was bitten...and then I became a zombie. I fed...I feasted. ..then I was vaccinated. Now I am well again.

So..no luck on the 666th girlie. Oh well. It is my own fault. *shrug*

...so...m'love graduated. The reception at the gallery was quite nice. I was all dressed up...and a bit liquored up from the wine. We went and ate at the Olive Garden after...
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So glad you're back! Congrats to Danyul on graduation. Olive Garden is da bomb, their breadsticks are fabulousness . Love the new profile pic, that website is soo fun. I liked that he offered pink eyes too wink

[Edited on May 28, 2005 3:37PM]
Actually, a friend made my icon for me a while back. The site he made it from didn't have as many options as the one you mentioned. Perhaps I'll play with this newer site and make myself. Though the one he made is pretty close smile
la de da.

today is my day off. tomorrow as well. 2 days to relax (and finish unpacking?) ..maybe.

i think i'll go dye my hair now. i haven't dyed it in a while. i don't feel like using caps today. fuck caps. laziness? *shrug* it's my day off...i can be lazy.

maybe i'll eat mac and cheese and tuna for lunch. i know i...
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Aww, girl 666 was reached frown I was rootin for ya.
It is not a care that weighs on my mind..I just think it would be kinda neat to be a happy little SG. *shrug*

So...I'm completely moved. The old apt. is empty and clean. The new apt..is semi-unpacked. It's only been a week. Still need to unpack the living room stuff. Some is out...but there are still alot of boxes. Mm hmm. We have balconies...we...
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have you tried adding a can of tuna to your macaroni and cheese? it's staple college student food. you should take and send in your new set soon if you want to make 666, they say SG gets about 200 sets per week to sort through... ooo aaa
Actually...I ate it with tuna the other night. I brought the leftovers to work the next day. Mm...white cheddar mac and cheese with tuna. Good stuff.

Well...I've given up on the #666 SG hopes. I haven't had the time to submit another set. *shrug* Oh well..any number will be fine. Some days I feel great and optimistic (and pretty enough to be a SG)...and I feel great about sbooting a set...but then it gets later in the day and perhaps I've looked at a coupla sets (beautiful sets) that make me feel not so SGish. *shrug* I don't have low self esteem...I have moderate to high. smile Yadda yadda yadda.

Mm hmm.

Which photolab?

Do people even come back to read comments/replies to their posts? Well..I don't have many readers anyway. Hmm...
...so tomorrow I'm moving across town....getting a nicer apartment with m'love. Yup.

...so I still haven't taken a new set. I've been so consumed with work..and now moving. StarWars tickets go on sale tomorrow for the RAVE theater. Gotta go gotta go. So much to do tomorrow. At least I don't have to work.

...so I'll take some pics soon. I still want to be...
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do you really care if your a sg?

been working...making a little money...yeah.

tues and wed are my days off. these two days have become my "weekend" for these days are the ones at my work week's end. so yeah...i'm enjoying my weekend.

i think i'll go to the thrifty nifty store wednesday...get some happy little student discount cheap clothes. i should donate ssome clothes too. it's time.

i'm tired...can you tell?...
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yes (im tired too...) smile
So..I went to see that Robots movie the other night. It was pretty neat. The metal looked so real in parts....it almost seemed like a good stop motion film. Computers are good for some things. smile

Ah..the preview to the new Star Wars movie was right before Robots. Oh god...it looked so awesome. I'm all excited. I don't think I've ever been made so anxious by...
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follow fuck all I sayfollow it right up to heaven since im going to hell I dont want that shit down here. biggrin

[Edited on Mar 22, 2005 2:43PM]
...been working alot. Thursday was my first pay day. It felt nice. I finally have money again. It'd only been a month since my last paycheck...but still..that's long enough to be without a job.

I'm quite tired. I have to work at 11am. Maybe I'll just go to bed soon. 9 hrs of sleep is pretty enticing.

..still wanting to update my pic. Soon perhaps....
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I am employed now. smile Had orientation today. Went well...gotta go back tomorrow..and the next day...and the next day...etc. The first week is a buncha training and things of the like. I'll be getting a paycheck again! Yay! My February break from work was nice and all...but damn it sucks not having any money and having to ask my parents to help me out a little...
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