I'm taking care of my sister's hairless cat. It is by far the strangest animal EVER! He's really friendly and kinda cute in a weird way though. He's growing on me.
His tail still kinda creeps me out though. It's like a big bony rat tail. But he feels like velvet when you pet him and he may be slightly brain damaged but in a cute way. if anyone wants to come pet a hairless cat let me know!!!!

His tail still kinda creeps me out though. It's like a big bony rat tail. But he feels like velvet when you pet him and he may be slightly brain damaged but in a cute way. if anyone wants to come pet a hairless cat let me know!!!!

He does have hair on his face and ears. The hair on his ears is wavy like a Rex's, but the hair on his face in just like normal cat hair. I especially like his little orange handlebar mustache. Sometimes in the winter he gets a little on his legs too.
eh... that's fucking life I guess. lol