Anyone in the Chicago area wanna come see the Dwarves with me tonight? It's $10 at 10pm at Reggie's Rock Club. I only found out about it yesterday so I couldn't plan ahead properly! It'll be rad! message me if you wanna go and we'll figure out somewhere to meet.
By the way, the guy in my last blog is the biggest freak I've ever met. Like American Psycho the younger years. Scary. But yay for being single again!!!

By the way, the guy in my last blog is the biggest freak I've ever met. Like American Psycho the younger years. Scary. But yay for being single again!!!

how was the show?
Amazing!!!!! I got to meet all of them and hang out backstage! they are such cool guys. I've never been so starstruck. I'll have to post some pics of the t-shirt and panties Chris the guitarist gave me... he is so awesome! I took some but I had to give him first dibs on looking obviously. I'm so beat after these last few days, I gotta go to sleep! I'm still all giddy and excited though.... I gave him my number and he actually texted me! Like a buncha times. Aahhh I'm gonna explode! Amazing talent + sweetness + cuteness = Lucifer in puddles of happiness and nonsense!!!!!!