So I partied waaaay too hard the other night at my favorite street fest in Milwaukee, Locust St. Days, with my lovely sister and a bunch of other friends I haven't seen much since I moved back to Shitville. I tried to be good and avoided the tequila Bloody Marys (Bloody Marias?) my sister was guzzling since 11 am and stuck to beer, at least until the festival ended and we hit the after parties.
My friend Melly who I've known since i was 5 was there and had just gotten some potentially very bad news. The doctors found a mass on her ovaries, and since her mom died of ovarian cancer when we were 13, she was freaked. They told her they wouldn't know what it was for at least a week so she was understandably worried. Melly didn't get all weepy though, she got royally pissed and spent the evening pounding Jameson straight out of the bottle and screaming about how there can't possibly be a god if he would do something as evil as this.
I joined her in the Jameson and yelling, and I don't remember a whole lot after that. I woke up in a completely trashed house where I only knew one person, though apparently I made about 5 new best friends the night before. I couldn't even remember their names. Then there were all the stories... 'I can't believe you killed that bottle of vodka after we got back from the bar!' I don't remember even going to the bar, much less the vodka.
I have never ever blacked out so thoroughly! I must've lost at least 5 hours. Scary!! It could've been worse though. I woke up with all my clothes on next to a girl on the couch. She was wearing my watch though. Odd.
The worst part was I lost my most favorite SG sweatshirt! That was the third one too! Now I have to wait until I get a job or my birthday or something to replace it
Oh, I "stole" one of the pictures from the last shoot I did with my ex-photographer/"boyfriend". He wouldn't give me any of them cuz i didn't wanna be his sex toy anymore, but he's using them for his portfolio! What a douche. It was tricky cuz it was a flash site but i figured it out. I wish i had more from that shoot cuz I was wearing the coolest shoes and the one i have doesn't show my legs. Sorry it's not nude, but here it is anyway.
Sorry about the rambling. It's my curse.
My friend Melly who I've known since i was 5 was there and had just gotten some potentially very bad news. The doctors found a mass on her ovaries, and since her mom died of ovarian cancer when we were 13, she was freaked. They told her they wouldn't know what it was for at least a week so she was understandably worried. Melly didn't get all weepy though, she got royally pissed and spent the evening pounding Jameson straight out of the bottle and screaming about how there can't possibly be a god if he would do something as evil as this.
I joined her in the Jameson and yelling, and I don't remember a whole lot after that. I woke up in a completely trashed house where I only knew one person, though apparently I made about 5 new best friends the night before. I couldn't even remember their names. Then there were all the stories... 'I can't believe you killed that bottle of vodka after we got back from the bar!' I don't remember even going to the bar, much less the vodka.
I have never ever blacked out so thoroughly! I must've lost at least 5 hours. Scary!! It could've been worse though. I woke up with all my clothes on next to a girl on the couch. She was wearing my watch though. Odd.
The worst part was I lost my most favorite SG sweatshirt! That was the third one too! Now I have to wait until I get a job or my birthday or something to replace it

Oh, I "stole" one of the pictures from the last shoot I did with my ex-photographer/"boyfriend". He wouldn't give me any of them cuz i didn't wanna be his sex toy anymore, but he's using them for his portfolio! What a douche. It was tricky cuz it was a flash site but i figured it out. I wish i had more from that shoot cuz I was wearing the coolest shoes and the one i have doesn't show my legs. Sorry it's not nude, but here it is anyway.

Sorry about the rambling. It's my curse.

aww thanks so much for the comment on my Sagebrush set. :batattak:
sounds like a crazy ass night! too bad I didnt bump into you there, thats a beauty of a pic too!