So I'm minus one microdermal. It pushed its way out after being red and ouchy for several days. It was weird to see the little metal base poking out all of a sudden. Having the piercer yank it out wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I had him take off the jeweled tops and put on plain steel discs and him tightening those hurt quite a bit more. He said he could redo it after the spot heals up but I might just stay with 3. I never really liked that back one anyway. It always looked wrong to me, different from the others. Like it wasn't on the same plane. And it never looked as shiny. I mentioned this to several people and they all said it looked exactly like the others, so it must have just been my limited perception of angles in the mirror. Huh.
So my hair is now an odd pinkish yellow white blonde with some orange in stubborn areas. I kinda like it. I wanna dye some of the front bubblegum pink but I'm too broke to buy the dye, so I guess it'll be purple since I already have that. We'll see how it goes tomorrow. I probably should update my profile pic, but the one the replaces it will hafta be good cuz I really like the one I have up now. I'm not sure why. I guess cuz my eyes look fucking huge.
Okay. That's it. Thank you again Jay! You are my favorite!

So my hair is now an odd pinkish yellow white blonde with some orange in stubborn areas. I kinda like it. I wanna dye some of the front bubblegum pink but I'm too broke to buy the dye, so I guess it'll be purple since I already have that. We'll see how it goes tomorrow. I probably should update my profile pic, but the one the replaces it will hafta be good cuz I really like the one I have up now. I'm not sure why. I guess cuz my eyes look fucking huge.
Okay. That's it. Thank you again Jay! You are my favorite!


Oh so many things happened while you were distracted.

right back at ya and one more
for good luck anywhere it needs to go