I had the week from hell. I don't think I've ever been so sad in my entire life. My shrink is basically telling me to cut my best friend out of my life because He's desperately in love with me and I don't feel the same way. I love him, but there's no passion there and that's something I think I need in a partner. So I had a little extra money this week and what did I do? Bought a bunch of new clothes, including the SG hoodie which was discounted like 65 bucks, a mustard yellow hoodie because I'm now obsessed with that color, a pair of Jeffery Campbell grey leather boots that are sooooooo gorgeous. They were $218 and I got em for $42. Anyone know how to stretch boots?
I also got my lower bellybutton pierced twice and a new tat on my foot. I'm seriously not a wuss, but it hurt like fuck. My foot kept reflexively moving at certain spots. Not good. The artist was a real prop though and it looks great. I have pictures!
Sorry they're still pretty red and lopsided.
And since I know you miss my smiling face, her's one of me in a silly hat.

I also got my lower bellybutton pierced twice and a new tat on my foot. I'm seriously not a wuss, but it hurt like fuck. My foot kept reflexively moving at certain spots. Not good. The artist was a real prop though and it looks great. I have pictures!


Sorry they're still pretty red and lopsided.
And since I know you miss my smiling face, her's one of me in a silly hat.

Wonderful, Love! I know that you will start to see happier days.

Tat looks GREAT! Belly button is cute, hope you can figure out your "issue" Its sucks, I have been in similar predicaments in the past, you will find your answer soon enough. If you want someone to talk about it with just let me know