Wednesday Nov 16, 2005 Nov 16, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email *sigh* my, the ups & downs of my life.... something i'd rather not get used to... but apparently.... VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS zoidberg79: it's good to know u are a fighter. that's the good approach to face some periods of our lives. btw i think every life is always a rollecoaster of emotions. one day it's all good and fine the next day everything sucks. happyness is always around the next corner Nov 16, 2005 zoidberg79: glad my optimism can help you! i'll send you my bill for this cheering up service! Nov 16, 2005
btw i think every life is always a rollecoaster of emotions. one day it's all good and fine the next day everything sucks.
happyness is always around the next corner
i'll send you my bill for this cheering up service!