ok, so all the signs r pointing to big changes happening for me. the biggest one bein in my relationship. everything is pointing to ending it and my gut agrees, but how do i do that without hurting a really great guy? he's nice and wonderful, but things just aren't workin out for me the way i want them to. it doesn't feel right. how do u tell someone who would do anything to make u happy that u just don't think things r working out? i'm gonna come off like a bitch and not mean to. guess i should be used to this by now, but really, i'm not used to breakin up with nice guys, i'm used to breakin up with guys that don't realize the great thing they've got starin them in the face. i'm used to breakin up with losers that take advantage of me. so this is brand new territory for me. i'm swimming in uncharted waters and don't know what to expect.
i just don't want to hurt him. he's a really great guy, i just don't think that it works for us to be together.
He's going to be hurt. He's going to be more hurt if you let it drag on and don't move on til you've met someone else.