Have you ever just wanted to go home? To find that one place where you feel completely safe and comfortable? What happens when you can't go back to that place? Cuz its not really a place, but a person and a feeling?
Its really funny. I've spent the last couple of years with my friends joking about the fact that I have a fear of...
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Well, seeing as how it's been months since I visited, I guess I should give an update or two.
Started back to school in January, been out for a while, so it was an adjustment. All is well on that front though, currently have straight A's and the semester is almost over. Then I get a two week break, and its back to class for...
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Ok, Wow!!! Haven't been on in quite some time. Got a new job that has been keeping me super busy. Recently got some new ink that I'm absolutely in love with, so I'll be posting pics of that shortly. Dated quite a few guys since the last time I logged on, so that's been fun. Really just wanted to swing by and say, "HI!!!"
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I can't wait to get my rib tattoo. But ow!
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Just lost my job...so that's fun...
Trying really hard to be there for my friends...and that's gratifying...
Now i'm trying to figure out where to go from here...that's confusing!
Also...been trying to find a photographer for myself that I trust and I've been having issues with that as well, so, YAY me!
Wow...this is not meant to be a...
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My computer got stolen months ago and I just got a new one. So now I'm back and better than ever.
Had a lot of really weird stuff going on. I will update as the days go by.
For now I'm just glad to be back!

Oh well, i guess its something we all have to do, unless ur lucky enough to be...
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What do u do when u find that one person who really does it for u in bed, but that's all it really is?
I mean, i'm very much a girl who won't stay in a relationship if it isn't physically satisfying. If that sounds bad, oh well, its my life, and i want to be...
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wow, and here i thought that i had adjusted to single life well, and i just sound extremely jaded.