[jolly good]
ahh the xmas season is upon us, time to lock all our doors, board up our windows and turn on the motion sensor defense units, for robot santa rides on the eve of xmas.
my life has reached a comfortable level. i feel satisfied in my existense. contentment is all i really want. its already fluttered past once, a relapse into fear and loathing. so goes the flows of highs and lows. the battle wages on i suppose.
i need to make a new avatar, as ghostmeat has pointed out this one lacks an appearance by motoko. who incidently is a vicious ankle biter in the mornings. i also happened to wakeup with a stingin puncture wound to the foot, and one kitten at the scene of the bed is the primary suspect.
[a round of golf and a pitcher of margaritas later...]
after a day of surprisingly good tee-offs and a not so surprisingly mediocre short game its weed and video game time. god bless winter break. i have but a couple more days of phoenix until o canada. so yup. imm off to finish my enchilada and play some more halo2 (while its still at my house).
ahh the xmas season is upon us, time to lock all our doors, board up our windows and turn on the motion sensor defense units, for robot santa rides on the eve of xmas.
my life has reached a comfortable level. i feel satisfied in my existense. contentment is all i really want. its already fluttered past once, a relapse into fear and loathing. so goes the flows of highs and lows. the battle wages on i suppose.
i need to make a new avatar, as ghostmeat has pointed out this one lacks an appearance by motoko. who incidently is a vicious ankle biter in the mornings. i also happened to wakeup with a stingin puncture wound to the foot, and one kitten at the scene of the bed is the primary suspect.
[a round of golf and a pitcher of margaritas later...]
after a day of surprisingly good tee-offs and a not so surprisingly mediocre short game its weed and video game time. god bless winter break. i have but a couple more days of phoenix until o canada. so yup. imm off to finish my enchilada and play some more halo2 (while its still at my house).
update your journal you dirty whore face