[time to rant]
holy crap am i burnt out with this damn tomb im modeling. ive been unwrapping and texturing the past two days and i have to setlle for it not looking as good as i want because theres just no time. this one class has successfully monopolized all of my homework time. ive already worked 14 hours on it this week alone. i still have to rig and skin a model, import static meshes into the unreal engine, set up my flatbook layout and animate an 'idle' character for my other classes.. if only they werent on monday and tuesday. ahhh the pressure!
*brain explodes*
holy crap am i burnt out with this damn tomb im modeling. ive been unwrapping and texturing the past two days and i have to setlle for it not looking as good as i want because theres just no time. this one class has successfully monopolized all of my homework time. ive already worked 14 hours on it this week alone. i still have to rig and skin a model, import static meshes into the unreal engine, set up my flatbook layout and animate an 'idle' character for my other classes.. if only they werent on monday and tuesday. ahhh the pressure!
