[hey joe whattaya know? i just got back from the blindside show]
and boy did it kick some ass. mir, the kicks, and me without you opened very kick-assedly, followed by the radical swedish rock stylings of do-gooders blindside. they played a buncha good ones, among them was king of the closet, my personal favorite ditty. god for some reason i cant type'favorite' it comes out all dyslexic (sp).
well now that im home and broken from angry white kid dancing ill smoke myself silly and play fable, my new xbox based obsession.
[rock on nerds]
and boy did it kick some ass. mir, the kicks, and me without you opened very kick-assedly, followed by the radical swedish rock stylings of do-gooders blindside. they played a buncha good ones, among them was king of the closet, my personal favorite ditty. god for some reason i cant type'favorite' it comes out all dyslexic (sp).
well now that im home and broken from angry white kid dancing ill smoke myself silly and play fable, my new xbox based obsession.
[rock on nerds]

DAVE i'm tired...it's gay.

YES WE ARE you need to come...