bought ghost in the shell: stand alone complex vol.1 today. its the first four eps, which i already downloaded many moons ago, but thats so different than owning the dvd. certain shows are too great not to buy. gits:sac is officially my favorite anime. ive also recently become obsessed with my gba sp. i think my hands are trying to fuse with it permanently. i wouldnt mind except the whole recharching thing would be a pain.
i take that damn thing everywhere, just in case i have a free minute or two. im def going into the right business. on a side note im bummed i cant have nala on my favs list any more. i also walked to the post orifice today, and it made me remember how awesuma fall is here, when it cools down from freakishly hot. in personal school news maya is now preferred to 3dsmax, so im glad im finally getting a freakin class in that. in even other news, im going to bed.
i take that damn thing everywhere, just in case i have a free minute or two. im def going into the right business. on a side note im bummed i cant have nala on my favs list any more. i also walked to the post orifice today, and it made me remember how awesuma fall is here, when it cools down from freakishly hot. in personal school news maya is now preferred to 3dsmax, so im glad im finally getting a freakin class in that. in even other news, im going to bed.
You are such a nerd!
look its a pirate