cranked down the brightness on my monitor. so it doesnt hurt my eyes. its 2 in the morning, im no longer stoned. i consider venturing to my office (aka the porch) for a couple hits, but lose interest in the matter quickly. my plan was to sleep. wake up before 10. accomplish something. today will be my sunday.
sentences growing short. pondering the abuse of the period. maybe i should switch to commas. but i dont.
my metabolism is giving out, me thinks. i ran and biked (the fake workout kind) yesterday. im doing it again tomorrow. still doing some yoga, theres an awesome yoga show at 6am on the pbs channel. maybe i should stay up til then.
i wanna make a new avatar, but my comp is so slow it would just be a pain to open photoshop. i spent enough time setting up those campin pics i uploaded today (yesterday).
i think my life had a major fork some time back, and i may have effed myself over.
beezer is lame, but hes giving me some sake so thats cool. ill finally get to use my sake set. i called him today to see if he wanted to put on a wig (see pics) and go play frisbee. he called me a hippie. frisbee is just fun, okay? shit im a hippie. to the porch!
sentences growing short. pondering the abuse of the period. maybe i should switch to commas. but i dont.
my metabolism is giving out, me thinks. i ran and biked (the fake workout kind) yesterday. im doing it again tomorrow. still doing some yoga, theres an awesome yoga show at 6am on the pbs channel. maybe i should stay up til then.
i wanna make a new avatar, but my comp is so slow it would just be a pain to open photoshop. i spent enough time setting up those campin pics i uploaded today (yesterday).
i think my life had a major fork some time back, and i may have effed myself over.
beezer is lame, but hes giving me some sake so thats cool. ill finally get to use my sake set. i called him today to see if he wanted to put on a wig (see pics) and go play frisbee. he called me a hippie. frisbee is just fun, okay? shit im a hippie. to the porch!