On Saturday I got a letter from my bank telling me that I had overdraft charges and that they took $77.86 out of my pay check. We'll I was pissed and couldn't figure out how I did this. Then on Tuesday I get my bank statement and my mom and I go down it to try to figure out how this happened. Well, two charges were the culprits. The first one was written in the company's code and the second just said the store. Now I knew I made the second purchase but the first puzzled me and the bank couldn't/wouldn't tell us who it was. So I'm figuring I'm just screwed and can't do anything. Well, later that night I'm talking to my sister-in-law about a quote in Entertainment Weekly and it struck me. The code had EW in it ands the cost was 29.95...So we figured out that EW without my authorization charged my account for a subscription to them! Now the back story... Back in December I bought a movie for my dad at Suncoast. They had some promotion that I could get a free subscription to EW for a while and that they would notify me when it was over. Well, I never ever got my notice or whatever and somehow they got my card number and decided to charge me..nice huh? Now back to the present. My mom and I got online to see whats up and we go to my account page which even show they never sent a bill and I was never billed they just took the money out. So my mom calls them up and after arguing I get back most of my money and we have to have the bank do some paper work to get back the rest for the second charge. Because after EW took my money I made the second purchase which I had enough money to cover if EW hadn't stolen my money. So they might be paying for the problem they caused and I'll get a few more EW's. But after the phone call, the person actually tried to sell us more magazines...
On another note: I have an interview on Thursday with my DM to see if I'll be promoted or not...I'm up against my old keyholder(baby manager in training) who got fired...so it'll be interesting to see what happens...ok thats enough...
