So today the insurance people declared my dads car totalled! Which is bullshit! The car is fine the oustide just has a few dints. Well my pops has 2 options he can sell them the car and only get back like $3800 something, the car is only 4 years old and in perfect shape (besides the dints) or they can take it and sell it back to him and only give us $2200! Meanwhile my mom is so mad/upset she is running around the house like a chicken with it's head cut off. Which is something my mom knows a lot about being that she's a farmers daughter and used to rip the heads off chickens to get them ready for dinner....

Oddly enough we were discussing this just the other night.And did ya know that blood shoots out of the neck like a gizer while it's running around. It's true! We always get good little storys like that from little mama. Most are about cattle , wheat, or oil but every once and a while ya get a good nugget like the chicken... Well anywho thats all ..
"Men regard is as their right to return evil for evil--and, if they cannot, feel they have lost their liberty."