thats me
its just a lazy sunday...one that i opted out of going to a mansion party in palm desert for a boy that promised me he would be home from tour in the wee hrs of the morning and to wait for him in LA...
its beyond the AM and still i sit alone in my apt...
this is exactly why i am faithless when it comes to boys...and lately friends....
on a lighter note...it was my birthday a week before this thurs, it turned out fairly well. of course the party that i was promised never transpired because the "friend" who was supposed to host it flaked. but i still had a lovely day of work followed by drinks at the rainbow...at least the people that mattered were there and the people that didnt weeded themselves out of the mix by the middle of the evening.
i am still working for navarro who consequently suffered his birthday this thursday prior. bee and i as his "spread vixens" presented him with a blue cake that was quite horrendous in flavour... and jila the fire dancer litthe candles with her fingers while her boyfriend ANGELO from fishbone played happy bday on the sax... then i brought jila and angelo to jimmy kimmel to see chris cornel...who by the way could use a walker!!
and 1 of his current guitar players used to be in buckcherry yrs and yrs ago when i knew the boys well and asked me for a ride to his hotel room after a gig in richmond. he was high on some illcit feline tranquilizer and kept attempting to get fresh with me so i made him a deal...i told him if he bought me a coke from the hotel vending machine and then serenaded me with MMM-BOP on acoustic guitar he could kiss me...i got the song...he never got the kiss HAHAHAHAH
what a bore! but whatevs, my friend books all the music so its VIP greenroom with free drinks and snacks...
last monday i had the pleasure of running into my good friend adam12 (from she wants revenge) at the viper. i was actually on my way home from another LAME night at the rainbow when my friend and i were cruising down the strip and realised that we 4got to stop over to the viper to see my favourite doorboy CASPER...then i looked up at the sidewalk and there was adam
...while inside i got a text from my good friend greg who is the bass player from the bangkok five...he ended up dropping by as well so i actuallly got to see 3 hotties at the viper that nite...
anyhow. so back to my boring sun. i dont watch TV, i dont even have it! and mr poopie (my laptop) fell down the stairs and went into a coma so i cant watch movies...booooo
whats a girl to do??
CROSSWORDS! yummy! i just bought a crossword book at rite aid so i spose im off to try and wrangle those 50 cent words milling round my brain into 2 cent words that fit into tiny squares.
thats me
its just a lazy sunday...one that i opted out of going to a mansion party in palm desert for a boy that promised me he would be home from tour in the wee hrs of the morning and to wait for him in LA...
its beyond the AM and still i sit alone in my apt...
this is exactly why i am faithless when it comes to boys...and lately friends....
on a lighter note...it was my birthday a week before this thurs, it turned out fairly well. of course the party that i was promised never transpired because the "friend" who was supposed to host it flaked. but i still had a lovely day of work followed by drinks at the rainbow...at least the people that mattered were there and the people that didnt weeded themselves out of the mix by the middle of the evening.
i am still working for navarro who consequently suffered his birthday this thursday prior. bee and i as his "spread vixens" presented him with a blue cake that was quite horrendous in flavour... and jila the fire dancer litthe candles with her fingers while her boyfriend ANGELO from fishbone played happy bday on the sax... then i brought jila and angelo to jimmy kimmel to see chris cornel...who by the way could use a walker!!

what a bore! but whatevs, my friend books all the music so its VIP greenroom with free drinks and snacks...
last monday i had the pleasure of running into my good friend adam12 (from she wants revenge) at the viper. i was actually on my way home from another LAME night at the rainbow when my friend and i were cruising down the strip and realised that we 4got to stop over to the viper to see my favourite doorboy CASPER...then i looked up at the sidewalk and there was adam

anyhow. so back to my boring sun. i dont watch TV, i dont even have it! and mr poopie (my laptop) fell down the stairs and went into a coma so i cant watch movies...booooo
whats a girl to do??
CROSSWORDS! yummy! i just bought a crossword book at rite aid so i spose im off to try and wrangle those 50 cent words milling round my brain into 2 cent words that fit into tiny squares.
