so .... tarantino presents hell ride...with 13 sexy suicide girls!
that was yesterday, an 11 hr shoot...all in all not too bad. a little dusty, a little warm but i think we all kicked some serious ass! we saw dennis hopper for about 10 seconds in the lunch line and met the brit guy vinnie (dunno his last name) that was in snatch and lock stock and 2 smoking barrels...they treated us really well and we had our own trailer!
anyhow, my apologies for not commenting back, i have just been really busy!
sat i had a 10 hr photoshoot for a new line of jeans (A JEANS) hopefully i will get the pix back soon
monday i went to metalskool with my bffs the latina fire and the redhawk joined by the amazing
chloe who is all the more goddess in person...we went to the rainbow 1st to eat and ...none other than PARIS HILTON and her posse showed up. as a result there were paprazzi planted all over the sunset strip frothing at the mouth for a chance to snap her pic. im not a hater, i think she's gorgeous! anyway, she snuck out the backside of the ROXY leaving the camera freaks hungry and confused so when latina fire and i left the keyclub to visit my favourite doorman the incomparable casper at the VIPER ROOM the paparazzi started snapping our pix instead. HA HA HA
wed i went to a casting call for a new tv pilot called STARVING about LA hopefulls who are suffering for their craft and the crazy things they do to survive. i think my interview went well but i dont know if my stories were off the wall enough to make it considering the original premise of the show was a guy who had 10 spinal taps to fund a movie he was making...
thurs was the tarantino shoot and todAY will be bullets and octane at the key club.
so that was my week.
how was yours??
that was yesterday, an 11 hr shoot...all in all not too bad. a little dusty, a little warm but i think we all kicked some serious ass! we saw dennis hopper for about 10 seconds in the lunch line and met the brit guy vinnie (dunno his last name) that was in snatch and lock stock and 2 smoking barrels...they treated us really well and we had our own trailer!
anyhow, my apologies for not commenting back, i have just been really busy!
sat i had a 10 hr photoshoot for a new line of jeans (A JEANS) hopefully i will get the pix back soon
monday i went to metalskool with my bffs the latina fire and the redhawk joined by the amazing
chloe who is all the more goddess in person...we went to the rainbow 1st to eat and ...none other than PARIS HILTON and her posse showed up. as a result there were paprazzi planted all over the sunset strip frothing at the mouth for a chance to snap her pic. im not a hater, i think she's gorgeous! anyway, she snuck out the backside of the ROXY leaving the camera freaks hungry and confused so when latina fire and i left the keyclub to visit my favourite doorman the incomparable casper at the VIPER ROOM the paparazzi started snapping our pix instead. HA HA HA

wed i went to a casting call for a new tv pilot called STARVING about LA hopefulls who are suffering for their craft and the crazy things they do to survive. i think my interview went well but i dont know if my stories were off the wall enough to make it considering the original premise of the show was a guy who had 10 spinal taps to fund a movie he was making...
thurs was the tarantino shoot and todAY will be bullets and octane at the key club.
so that was my week.
how was yours??

10 spinal taps?!?!? crazy motherfu...