so in the cycle of self hatred that seems so prevelent in LA i am again in the downward spiral
i am not sure what it is that robs me of my self confidence in this city...
if you see the girl in the photo with me above that is for sure 1 reason,,,,(and she is supposed to be one of my best friends)
i am just growing tired of the scene and the scene stealers and the people that call themselves your friends but then turn their backs the minute you need them.
the people who only want to be seen with you and the people who pilfer your contacts and your work and never return the favour...i was happy for a minute
now i am just disgusted!
i am getting to the point that i think perhaps it truly is time to migrate back to the east
i just feel so much more appreciated there....people are less

its less tits and ass and more individuality and intelligence ...
maybe im overreacting...i dunno.
Looking sexy as always Miss