so my friends...
at long last i post...
i have been busy busy busyand sicky sicky sicky!!
let me try and recap some of the funfare that has transpired during my hiatus......well the 15th my good pal .... bff...steve isaacs played with his band the PANIC CHANNEL at the dragonfly and a wonderful time was had, then my friend holly who manages a JOURNEYS shoe store informed me yesterday that the video i made with them for their next single TEAHOUSE OF THE SPIRITS is on a loop in all of the stores on their tv/video thingy....thats pretty rad!
i have also been working a bunch...the girl i am a stylist for filmed a pilot at NRG studios last week and i did her make up and sat in as "background" that was fun. she is a great actress...a bit too humble in my opinion...
i went to an AMAs afterparty with toni j, jersey, page erin (who works inthe office) and my friend holly last week....i forget what day it was at SHAG and it was pretty gay....and then the GG texted me!!! he wanted to talk but i didnt call him!
i FINALLY got to see my friends SHE WANTS REVENGE play at the GROVE in anaheim wed nite...sadly the last show of their tour. but at least they are home now and getting ready to start album #2...i also made a new friend who is also a good pal of the SWR guys and an indie actor who has a band called KING STRAGGLER ...they are playing at SOCIAL on sunset and schrader THIS THURS for those of you who live in LA...get there b4 10:30 to avoid being turned away.
i had a rock n roll thanxgiving roaming the sunset strip with my BFF cin and the famous swedish triplets (YUM!!) and the boys from another swedish band called VAINS OF JENNA....
then i went out sat nite with some friends to see my good pal CASPER (the johnny depp looking doorguy at the VIPER ROOM) dj at the VINE BAR and i texted him a zillion requests and he played them all...ialso met a craigslist guy there and my posse convinced me that he wAS too square for me and dragged me away to TOKIO BAR where its guest list only and he couldnt get in .... and i ended up leaving with the Dj chris carter (YUM!!) and getting stuck overnite at his house in the hills much to the chagrin of my doggies who were locked up at home...but to my satisfaction (except i was worried about doggies all nite)
last nite i went out with cin and steve isaacs and we circulated in circles round the sunset strip between the VIPER, the RAINBOW and the WHISKEY...a good time was definitely had
seems i have been a bit of a kissing bandit lately... but how many frogs must one kiss befiore they find their proverbial prince?!! not that any of these boys are frogs, but they certainly dont want to be my prince
esp the one that is" famous" that i wont name because i have that much class....
it was a LONG weekend and i am sad to see it go.
i am too lazy to post pix...but maybe sometime in the near future i will work up to it.
for now i am engrossed in my season 3 box set of the OC that i purchased on ebay
cross your fingers that my new set gets queued this week!
and for all of you that live in LA
i am starring ina fashion show at element on fri dec 1st for diabolique clothing photographed by michael vincent!
come and see me! i posted a bulletin on my myspace my myspace
at long last i post...
i have been busy busy busyand sicky sicky sicky!!
let me try and recap some of the funfare that has transpired during my hiatus......well the 15th my good pal .... bff...steve isaacs played with his band the PANIC CHANNEL at the dragonfly and a wonderful time was had, then my friend holly who manages a JOURNEYS shoe store informed me yesterday that the video i made with them for their next single TEAHOUSE OF THE SPIRITS is on a loop in all of the stores on their tv/video thingy....thats pretty rad!
i have also been working a bunch...the girl i am a stylist for filmed a pilot at NRG studios last week and i did her make up and sat in as "background" that was fun. she is a great actress...a bit too humble in my opinion...
i went to an AMAs afterparty with toni j, jersey, page erin (who works inthe office) and my friend holly last week....i forget what day it was at SHAG and it was pretty gay....and then the GG texted me!!! he wanted to talk but i didnt call him!
i FINALLY got to see my friends SHE WANTS REVENGE play at the GROVE in anaheim wed nite...sadly the last show of their tour. but at least they are home now and getting ready to start album #2...i also made a new friend who is also a good pal of the SWR guys and an indie actor who has a band called KING STRAGGLER ...they are playing at SOCIAL on sunset and schrader THIS THURS for those of you who live in LA...get there b4 10:30 to avoid being turned away.
i had a rock n roll thanxgiving roaming the sunset strip with my BFF cin and the famous swedish triplets (YUM!!) and the boys from another swedish band called VAINS OF JENNA....
then i went out sat nite with some friends to see my good pal CASPER (the johnny depp looking doorguy at the VIPER ROOM) dj at the VINE BAR and i texted him a zillion requests and he played them all...ialso met a craigslist guy there and my posse convinced me that he wAS too square for me and dragged me away to TOKIO BAR where its guest list only and he couldnt get in .... and i ended up leaving with the Dj chris carter (YUM!!) and getting stuck overnite at his house in the hills much to the chagrin of my doggies who were locked up at home...but to my satisfaction (except i was worried about doggies all nite)
last nite i went out with cin and steve isaacs and we circulated in circles round the sunset strip between the VIPER, the RAINBOW and the WHISKEY...a good time was definitely had
seems i have been a bit of a kissing bandit lately... but how many frogs must one kiss befiore they find their proverbial prince?!! not that any of these boys are frogs, but they certainly dont want to be my prince

esp the one that is" famous" that i wont name because i have that much class....
it was a LONG weekend and i am sad to see it go.
i am too lazy to post pix...but maybe sometime in the near future i will work up to it.
for now i am engrossed in my season 3 box set of the OC that i purchased on ebay
cross your fingers that my new set gets queued this week!
and for all of you that live in LA
i am starring ina fashion show at element on fri dec 1st for diabolique clothing photographed by michael vincent!
come and see me! i posted a bulletin on my myspace my myspace

Hey cutie, I'm sorry we didn't make it out on Saturday. After txting you, I decided to take a nap, and when I woke up, the cold I was catching was in full effect, and it was like a MONSOON OUTSIDE!!! I thought we went to LA to escape the rain! 

I haven't talked to ya in forever! Hopefully all is good with you. I'll text ya sooner or later.