thank you to everyone for your kind words and condolences on my grandpa....
i finally got my bastard tooth yanked out of my face last wednesday! i couldnt take anymore of the unbearable pain so i drummed up my balls and called 1 800 dentist... 30 min later i was in the chair! i had 9 injections of lidocaine (funny since for the me the needle in the mouth was the scariest part) and a full step by step rundown of the procedure. the dentist was very cool. i took a pic of my grandpa with me...i closed my eyes...drooled and the my tooth just kinda came out! he didnt saw it O( no blood squirting, sawing, hacking....) just pushed on one side, then the other and voila it came out WHOLE! pretty impressive considering it was inverted! i kept the bastard too!
the following day i had tix to carson daly with the ever gorgeous jersey to see my pals the PANIC CHANNEL
and while we were waiting around steve perkins asked me if i had seen the new video because its mostly ME! course i hadnt...
go to youtube and type in the PANIC CHANNEL and then choose the teahouse of the spirits video
after that i went to santa monica for a private party with the EAGLES OF DEATH METAL and then back to hollywood to watch my friend CASPER the infamous doorman at the viper spin at the vine st lounge...mind you this is the day after the tooth extraction when i should be in bed...
but i made up for that the following day after lunching with my good friend B (aka the guitar god) i went home and slept until 1pm sat....
sat was quite a bore...i went to dinner with my pseudo boi steve from the VACATION and we argued as usual...
then sunday was the indie103 summer strummer..a disaster in santa monica. what a lame gig that was!!
both the bangkok five an dthe vacation played....both did amazing!! but at $25-50 a ticket you can imagine that it was rather EMPTY!
also my pseudo boi chose to ignore me that day for his "other girls" which is fine, just tell me in advance!
i could care less really. i got to spend the day with my old skool crush who finally seems to be warming up to me since he knows steve and doesnt approve....
monday i did the makeup for a band photoshoot and ended up meeting david lachapelles asst who wants to work with me so thats pretty damn kickass! he took pics of me in my androdgynous black tshirt scared of that!
the end
oh and dont forget! and the teahouse of the spirits!
some pix
...and will someone pls tell me to keep my mouth closed!!

YUM! steve isaacs

i finally got my bastard tooth yanked out of my face last wednesday! i couldnt take anymore of the unbearable pain so i drummed up my balls and called 1 800 dentist... 30 min later i was in the chair! i had 9 injections of lidocaine (funny since for the me the needle in the mouth was the scariest part) and a full step by step rundown of the procedure. the dentist was very cool. i took a pic of my grandpa with me...i closed my eyes...drooled and the my tooth just kinda came out! he didnt saw it O( no blood squirting, sawing, hacking....) just pushed on one side, then the other and voila it came out WHOLE! pretty impressive considering it was inverted! i kept the bastard too!
the following day i had tix to carson daly with the ever gorgeous jersey to see my pals the PANIC CHANNEL

go to youtube and type in the PANIC CHANNEL and then choose the teahouse of the spirits video

after that i went to santa monica for a private party with the EAGLES OF DEATH METAL and then back to hollywood to watch my friend CASPER the infamous doorman at the viper spin at the vine st lounge...mind you this is the day after the tooth extraction when i should be in bed...
but i made up for that the following day after lunching with my good friend B (aka the guitar god) i went home and slept until 1pm sat....
sat was quite a bore...i went to dinner with my pseudo boi steve from the VACATION and we argued as usual...
then sunday was the indie103 summer strummer..a disaster in santa monica. what a lame gig that was!!
both the bangkok five an dthe vacation played....both did amazing!! but at $25-50 a ticket you can imagine that it was rather EMPTY!
also my pseudo boi chose to ignore me that day for his "other girls" which is fine, just tell me in advance!
i could care less really. i got to spend the day with my old skool crush who finally seems to be warming up to me since he knows steve and doesnt approve....

monday i did the makeup for a band photoshoot and ended up meeting david lachapelles asst who wants to work with me so thats pretty damn kickass! he took pics of me in my androdgynous black tshirt scared of that!
the end
oh and dont forget! and the teahouse of the spirits!
some pix
...and will someone pls tell me to keep my mouth closed!!

YUM! steve isaacs

I'm wishing I had a significant other again now though. I'm off work today and I have no plans but to sit around all day , and clean my apartment some