my grandpa died yesterday on sept 11th. my grandma sadi he asked for me... they are in FLA, my whole fam is there...i am in CA i cant make it to FLA. IA M HORRIBLE! but she says its ok and that he wanted to let go and that now he is at peace and he has told her so.
on a lighter note
well its time again to change the profile pic... can somone help my lame ass??
ok guess that i should recap the week...i have pics so ill try and keep the verbage to a minimal...
the 5th anniversary party was FABULOUS!! i met soo many great Sgs !
i love them all!! and of course seeing my friends in the PANIC CHANNEL is always fun as well!
i also got to go with one of my fav sgs jersey
the following day the PANIC CHANNEL did 2 songs on KTLA and jersey and i were invited to hang and see the performance.... at one point dave came over and took my hand, i thought he was going to kiss it but he sucked my fingers instead which caused a major uproar with the studio audience...crazy dave!
then after the gig jersey, steve and i went to a bar where we ran into maxx, manda and sloane
i got a lil bit super tipsy and we decided to visit my bff dmuff at capitol records where i vomited onthe roof....oops
the next day my boys from the BANGKOK FIVE played a show at the virgin megastore and then at the tokeo was a mESS
then sat and sun i had the EXTREME priveledge of hanging out with my fav band in the world OPETH in san diego and then san bernardino.... not only do i ADORE these guys buti have also had a crush on peter the guitar player for about 6 yrs.... its just a crush, nothing more...i cant even flirt with him he's so fucking hoT!
BAH! and p.s. dave mustaine is an arse!!
the bank restored my funds last THURSDAY! GAH!!
my wisdom tooth also has to be pulled...SCARED!!
and i have a job interview with MAC cosmetics tomorrow so pls everyone pray for me!!! FOR REAL!!
anyhow let the pictorial begin!
5th anniversary nite

on a lighter note
well its time again to change the profile pic... can somone help my lame ass??
ok guess that i should recap the week...i have pics so ill try and keep the verbage to a minimal...
the 5th anniversary party was FABULOUS!! i met soo many great Sgs !
i love them all!! and of course seeing my friends in the PANIC CHANNEL is always fun as well!
i also got to go with one of my fav sgs jersey
the following day the PANIC CHANNEL did 2 songs on KTLA and jersey and i were invited to hang and see the performance.... at one point dave came over and took my hand, i thought he was going to kiss it but he sucked my fingers instead which caused a major uproar with the studio audience...crazy dave!
then after the gig jersey, steve and i went to a bar where we ran into maxx, manda and sloane
i got a lil bit super tipsy and we decided to visit my bff dmuff at capitol records where i vomited onthe roof....oops
the next day my boys from the BANGKOK FIVE played a show at the virgin megastore and then at the tokeo was a mESS
then sat and sun i had the EXTREME priveledge of hanging out with my fav band in the world OPETH in san diego and then san bernardino.... not only do i ADORE these guys buti have also had a crush on peter the guitar player for about 6 yrs.... its just a crush, nothing more...i cant even flirt with him he's so fucking hoT!
BAH! and p.s. dave mustaine is an arse!!
the bank restored my funds last THURSDAY! GAH!!
my wisdom tooth also has to be pulled...SCARED!!
and i have a job interview with MAC cosmetics tomorrow so pls everyone pray for me!!! FOR REAL!!
anyhow let the pictorial begin!
5th anniversary nite

a nite with steve isaacs
and this is my other may know him from a band called THE VACATION!! you should really give it a listen! amazing!!![the vacation
I thought I had your phone # but I don't... I gots a few girls that want some makeup. Maybe you can come hang out. Plus we should shoot you too while we're at it. Word.