so where do i begin....
ahh yes thursday and the paying gig...
it went really really well! the family was amazing and a good time was had by all! they have a gorgeous home in a gated community where you have to get permission from the guards to enter like you are going into a studio lot. crazy shit! and yes, i have photos.....

o and to go backwards i have a few pix from wed nite with steve isaacs atop capitol records as well...

ok and now forwards....so thurs nite after the shoot we all went out for sushi and drinks...while i was at the bar with the manboi, steph and the asst i started getting text mssgs from a friend in my FAVOURITE band in the world right now SHE WANTS REVENGE asking me to come and see them play at STREET SCENE in san diego.....after a few min of debate i decided against it....but he persisted and i told him i would sleep on it....
the evening continued with drinks and debauchery and ended with a headache....cut to 10am the next morning...i was dropped off at my apt by the manboi and YES I KEPT IT PG!! ...
and sent my friend in SWR a mssg asking what time they went on because ...lets face it i was TORN! i LOVE that band!! AND my friend is a HOTTIE!.... anyhow. so i caved. i called my friend who owns a ranch in corona ca and is a professional rock n roll photographer and asked her if she wanted to go with me...she complied and i jumped in the shower.
the plan was that although it was fri if i hit the road (yes i took the freeway!!!) by 2 i would make that magic window of no traffic......WRONG!!!! ALL 3 FREEWAYS I TOOK WERE CRAWLING!! i drove for 56 miles at a top speed of 20mph. it took me just over 3 hrs!!
from corona to san diego is another 98 miles....so we jumped into her BMW Z3 and attemtped to speed off...2 hrs later...we are 10 miles from the exit to the stadium and i get the mssg "we're done playing"
followed by another mssg "ill be at the beauty bar later...im spinning...you can cum there too"
ok i have been in LA for 1 yr....the only beauty bar i know of is the one down the street from my apt all the way back in hollywood....sooooo we make a pit stop at ihop, get back in the car and trek to LA...we arrive at the bar around midnite and he's not there....thats when her boyfriend says " you know he probably meant the beauty bar in san diego" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....
and that was that.
the rest of my weekend has been tame. yesterday i tore my apt apart looking for my roger waters tix that i LOST! i think i am going to slit my wrists over that. my luck has taken a turn for the worst!
the manboi broke his foot in a gymnastics class (??ya weirdo??) and wont see me before i embark on my film experience...i didnt get my unemployment check AGAIN and i need money for my adventure since i am not getting paid for the film. BOOOOOOOOO

so instead i will leave you with the panic channel video for WHY CRY and ask you to cross your fingers that my new set that was submitted over a week ago will be accepted SOON! pray for me people!!
why cry and dont forget to pick up the album "ONE" that streets the 15th!!
ill try to update while im gone but word on the street is NO SLEEP
so i leave you now my pretties with a

****UPDATE** WELL.... im on my way behind the orange curtain to the movie set
wish me luck and miss me! ill bring my laptop and try to update if i have time
kisses for all!!

there are more in my folder if you wanna look!
Miss you lover bear!