The move went quite well. I'm pleased with the new flat, everything is pretty much sorted. One thing I don't like: Rob has adopted the small room as his gaming dungeon and although it's pretty cool in the corner with his computer in, I miss seeing him when he's playing. Silly little things... We have a nice big living space which has a really cool shelving unit though (yawn) and I think it looks pretty awesome/super childish. I'm no photographer.
I've been feeling sad since my shift on Friday. I looked after a lady of 84 who was in heart failure and ended up passing away. She was adorable and her family were so sweet. I wish I could have done more for them to make their final time with her more private/any nicer. She died so quickly and I didn't even have time to move them to a private area. I selfishly felt it was all my fault and had a big cry... but she chose when she died, not me and not her family. Maybe she wanted to go in the middle of everything, unnoticed by most around her rather than in a room with 20 of her closest looking at her. I don't know, but it's sad anyway. I've just started doing a palliative care module at uni so I'm hoping to gain more understanding and knowledge and do everything I can for our palliative/end of life patients.
I went back to my home town yesterday for my friends wedding party. They got married in Vegas. Their playlist was awesome, full of songs we used to love. I think it went from Beyonce to Finntroll to Alkaline Trio, so that's what kind of night it was. I wish I could see my old friends more, but they're the sort of friends who you can go months without seeing and it's like no time has passed at all when you do finally see them again. So yeah, that was fun. Was feeling particularly narcissistic that evening it seems, it was selfie saturday, I suppose...
I also saw a girl who I fell in love with when I was in high school. It was a surprise for her to see me and she said 'Don't let go of me yet, I'll faint' and I nearly died. <3
Plan for the week: haircut, lunches, tattoo, dinners, hanging out, relaxing. I'm a boring sod!
Kiki xo