Up after 4 hours again post night-shift. One more tonight then I'd better get packing. Me and the boy are moving on Friday and I've only just started to collect boxes to pack up in. I quite enjoy packing, and unpacking, but whoever says it isn't stressful to move is lying. Just finished transferring all the bills and whatnot over, such a ballache. On hold for like 20 minutes for one of them, grr.
Anyways, I had a pretty good weekend really. Nice little Nandos lunch to say goodbye to a colleague who's left. Another fun night out with my pixie, though she didn't feel good and ended up going home early. My friend did turn up which was nice, we hung out and had fun. He text me the next day and apologised for not being a good friend, so I guess my feelings before were kinda right even if I was overreacting a little. He's pretty fun so I'm glad we're friends. Standard Mosh photos coming up...
Me and the pixie, featuring my nose ring.
Pixie's housemates, boyfriend and friends. Guy on the right is super cute.
Pixie and the new friend being a douche, featuring my ridiculous hair.
Saturday was a super lazy day. All I wanted was KFC so we (me and boy) took a drive and got drive-thru (standard procedure). It started hailing the fuck down and so we sat in the car park and ate our noms. It was all fun until I realised I'd left my lights on and my car battery went dead. Ha. We decided to leave the car to think about what it had done and went to look at some lizards and fighting fish and tiny sharks at pets at home. Thankfully my car decided to be nice and we got home without having to bother the lovely @ivorlewis to come jump start us up.
Note: @ivorlewis is one of my good friends, he joined recently so he could laugh at my set and take the piss out of me trying so hard to be alternative. He's a proper noob ;)
It was my anniversary with Rob FOUR YEARS WOO on sunday, so we had a beautiful indian meal at the curry house, then had some cocktails in Firebug. I think I could eat poppadoms for every meal, they're so damn tasty. Top 10 favourite foods ever probably, mango chuts and lime pickle plz. Firebug is a nice bar/venue in town and is awesomes for the simple fact they show Ghibli films on film nights. Last one I missed due to being in Malta, and this next one I'll miss due to being at a super rock concert. They put on special cocktails for the upcoming showings though, so cool.
Grainsy as fuck. Love my peach <3
Hope you all feel more well than I do. This cold can go away now. Snuggles with @jaxx_ please.
Kiki xo